Torch Bomb
FaceDeerPlace torches throughout your entire surroundings with a torch bomb
Hammer Of Power
LandarVarganAdds a steel hammer and the powerful version that you can create from it.
Echoes91Adds spears, versatile weapons that can be thrown.
new minerals
GigaBytenew minerals for armor and tools,add mineral abysmal, cobalto,adamantita,tugsteno,clorofite,titanium and more uses for obsidian
mt-modsAdds three scifi/space cannons with various projectile-speed and explosion-strength
ElCeejoAdds Manny from that one Reddit post.
Obsidian Swords
DragonopAdds the Obsidian Dagger, Sword, and Longsword. Also Obsidian tools, for completeness.
Uranium Stuff
EpoxumAdds Uranium tools and armor, compatible with technic.
Death Compass
FaceDeerA compass that points to the last place you died
Stone Age Integration Pack
csirolliAdds basic stone age & survival tools and makes the start in the world harder
NoodlemireAdds various projectile weapons which work based off of MT 5.3.0's new collision info provided to objects' on_step functions.
Hook (survival tools)
AiTechEyeSurvive & climbing tools
Mystical Tools
liteninglazertool progression past diamonds and adds mystical staffs and wands
More Pickaxes
Koda_Adds additional pickaxes to the game
Axis Tools
mt-modsAll the functionality of tinkers construct, but all in your inventory.
Armor Expanded
CrystalwarriorExpanded armors for 3d armors
ZughyAPI to easily create weapons of any kind
Hazmat Suit
1F616EMOProtect wearer from fire and radiation
GenesisMTA strange a ore with tools.
VoxeLibre Soaking Rain
rudzik8Makes you take damage under rain/snow without leather topping or an umbrella
Balrog Sword
DragonWrangleradds a balrog sword
MadKamelThe Xeno-Zapper is an electroshock self-defense weapon used in self-defense against hostile alien fauna within melee range.
Ancient Ice Stuff
Robot10&ScheletorAdds a new powerful ore to the game
GigaByteadd 3d accessories
Throwing Redo
PaligeNew throwing implementation designed to be extensible
Dragonbone Stuff
Robot10&ScheletorAdds dragonbone set
Cave explorer tool
SFENCECave explorer tool to use acoustic signals for undergound exploring.
Ocular Networks
mt-modsDraw power from the world, and use it to power machines and tools.
Topaz Items
WINNIETopaz Items for Minetest
ElCeejoAdds Banshees, a ghostly mob that haunts pine forests
Throwable Bombs
DragonWrangleradds a cave expansion tool, a throwable tnt stick, a throwable smoke bomb, and a mob throws tnt