neko259Integration with telegram messenger chat
Mesecon Node
1F616EMOMake all node have mesecon_wire version
Vignette Redo
kestralOptionally place a vignette filter over the screen.
Y. WangXiangqi (Chinese chess)
Offline Phantoms
KimaprPlayers leave "phantoms" when leaving; other players can take items from those
Nathan.SAdds several survival related items.
JALdMICIt has some buildings based on those in Havana
Vision Lib
mt-modsCommon library for PolySaken's mods.
Phonograph Album: Diarmuid's Soundtracks
1F616EMOSongs composed by Diarmuid
iarbatAdds counterfeit diamonds and other fake precious materials.
Local Time and Date Api
Bob64This is a minetest mod that provides an api for other mods to use to get a user's preferred date and time format/time zone based on their configured settings for this mod.
Extended Protection
1F616EMOExtended interaction restriction rule
Prejoin Messages
GregonNotifies players when a player starts connecting to the server
Anti Exploit
LMDProtects against exploits
Opening Hours
tacotexmexLimits the days and hours a server is open to players.
BuckarooBanzaiplaceholder node / a better unknown node
Hard Trees
octacianRequire tools to break trees and introduce beginner-tier rock tools.
Zemtzov7Execute commands on behalf of another player
Exploding Chest
Coder12Api-mod to allow containers like chest to explode if it contains explosive materials.
JALdMICPart 2 of Assets_Warehouse
Auth Redux
sorcerykidAuth Redux is a drop-in replacement for the builtin authentication handler of Minetest
Player Nametags
LMDAdds player nametags floating above players.
Cartographer for Repixture
Hugues RossAdds regional maps that you can craft and place (Repixture version)
Copy From Chest
zeronumbersAdds server command copy-from-chest that copies items from chest at x y z to player.
Vlf Music
VoxelForgeplays music
fluxionaryadds a node to silence nearby sounds
Zemtzov7Miscellaneous pyro things
Burnable Diamonds
Hume2Make diamonds useable as fuel
AmazA mod that gives the interact priv to players who want it and who have agreed to the rules.
Pencil Redo
1F616EMOTool to edit infotext of nodes
Ben's Gear
MissingTextureMan101Attach tool parts to create new tools and add a whole new layer of strategy to your tool crafting!
Element Exchange
enchant97Exchange nodes into other nodes
Ben's Drop Randomizer
MissingTextureMan101A game agnostic node-drop randomizer
Macro Crafting Manager
sorcerykidMacro Crafting Manager provides a streamlined drag-and-drop interface for dividing and arranging item stacks within the craft-grid
Face Objects
1F616EMOCalculate the facing of objects
YL Ticker
AliasAlreadyTakenDisplays messages once per timeframe
rubenwardyA library to allow mods to make Formspecs, a form of GUI, easily.
Position listeners library
karamelPlayers' position observing library
Underground Survival Lighting
ArkatronIf you like underground light in survival, use this mod, it can help that.
sorcerykidStopwatch is Lua-based benchmarking API for Minetest developers