Kill history
GigaByteadds a death history on the screen
Position listeners library
karamelPlayers' position observing library
NodeCore 1 slot mod
Fanticwormakes Nodecore 8 times harder by removing 7 slots from your inventory
Burnable Diamonds
Hume2Make diamonds useable as fuel
Verbana GUI
LukeA GUI for verbana
Item Tracking
ImpulseProvides a API to mod developers to track which inventories items are in.
HussellAdds 4 new rake patterns to NodeCore
itemshelf (Fork)
nacGeneric item shelf with 3D items on display
Get Biome Data
ROllerozxaGet biome data from core.get_biome_data
FaceDeerPath marker signs for use when exploring a twisty maze of passages that are all alike.
Death Timer
MathiasTimer that adds a delay between deaths.
VPS Blocker
LejoBlock players using vpns, proxys or other hosting services
lizzieA minimalistic approach to enabling the game of go in nodecore.
Minebase Core
ThatCommandAdds APIs and new dynamic functionalities.
Poly Decor
mt-modsMy spin on decorative stuff.
Chat Games
ImpulseGet rewards for answering questions in the chat.
tacotexmexSling enables item stack and single item throwing of any item.
Snow for Hades Revisited
SFENCEAdd snow to Hades Revisited via snow cannon.
Node Meta Manipulation
AntumDelugeManage node meta data
LukeOfficialAdds road marks.
Build Mangle (Joke only)
RasPiManiacType /destroy to mangle a build :P
CSperson's Simple Pebbles
CSpersonA very simple mod that adds natural detritus. Doesn't do much besides that.
Simple notification wrapper
KirowLThis project offers a Notification System API to display temporary messages on the player's screen, allowing seamless integration of notifications into gameplay.
LandarVarganAdds a pickaxe that can dig almost any block
builtin overrides
fluxionaryminor QOL overrides for some builtin behaviors
Colored Chat Text
Bob64This makes the minetest chat messages a different color depending on what you set it to in the settings.
This should be make sense!
1F616EMOAdds missing crafting recipes that should exist
NodeCore PumMINE
Winter94Mineable pumice
Staff Channel
_XenonWrite messages only to staff
No More Guests!
kaezaStops guest players (ie: Guest1234) from joining your server
Dye Mixer
LRVThis mod removes the mixes of dyes and the crafting recipes that allow you to dye wool and make them craftable in the Dye Mixer.
qPexLegendaryAdds local and global chat
Object Tracking Tablet
Soundwaveza fun new item used to locate: players, dropped items, entitys, and anything else that falls under the object catagory!
ROllerozxaAutomatically restarts the server after a certain uptime is reached.
fluxionaryverification and banning
Extended Protection
1F616EMOExtended interaction restriction rule
NigelSymmetric building tool for MineTest.
name monoid
fluxionaryflexible control of a player's nametag
Test Harness
IRIProvides an automated testing framework by simulating player behavior on a server. It allows developers to create, register, and run tests to their packages
AoM Settings
SumiProvides methods for both player level and server level settings