mzs.112000A simple mod adding a few biomes to Minetest Game
kyleclaassenA tool for constructing mathematical curves/surfaces/solids.
Technic use Battery
1F616EMOUse energy from RE batteries in the inventory
GreenXenithProof of concept for hexagonal nodes
Kotatsu Tables
Piezo_Adds a new piece of furniture based on Japanese kotatsu tables
Prefab Redo
cheapieCheapie's version of Dan's old prefab mod, which adds pre-fabricated concrete elements: catwalks, benches, ladders, railings...
GoopsAllows to recycle metal tools
World Borders
argyleAdd impenetrable barriers to the sides and bottom of the world.
Fareboxes and Faregates
1F616EMOSignal-emitting fareboxes and faregates
Flowing Concrete
DumbDave961Adds flowing concrete that hardens over time. Cheap alternative to lava cooling.
Spawn redo
cathaya7d4Drop-in replacement for default/spawn for more third-party biomes
Block In Block
TumeniNodesA silly mod to spark creativity
Dirt Tunneler
NeuromancerMakes dirt deeper and you can tunnel through it just by walking through it. Press spacebar/shift to tunnel upward/downward with auto placed ladders.
Weedstone Random Mod Thing
chaosomniumOriginally meant to be a simple electronics type mod inspired by redstones, I messed around with the code after getting bored and got this weird mod, and now it's this thing. Enjoy I guess?
New Biomes
ArkatronIf you like underground biomes, this thing is for you.
Mesecons Snippet Button
1F616EMOExecute snippets with Mesecons
Time Stone
j45This mod adds 2 single use stones, a day stone and a night stone, the day stone turns time to sunrise and the night stone turns time to sunset.
Dye Mixer
LRVThis mod removes the mixes of dyes and the crafting recipes that allow you to dye wool and make them craftable in the Dye Mixer.
Free Stuff Generator
AiTechEyejunk has never been so coveted!
Advanced Keys
LejoReplaces the Skeleton Key with one with multiple chests.
Rotting Wood
PolyniumCauses wood to slowly rot while exposed to water
S Potions
StakboxAdds a simple potion brewing system for MTG. Includes API for adding custom potions.
Grow Dry Grass
Silver SandstoneMakes dry grass spread on savanna dirt.
FaceDeerA mod that creates vast underground caverns and allows biomes to be defined for them
monkOverride tool functionality during runtime
Discrete Player API
Hume2A library for games which attaches players to node grid
player actions
GigaByteshows the actions of a player
GigaByteadds an editable news section when a player joins
AiTechEyeThe serverguide
Additional Gravel
HordekingAdds overgrown gravel, similar to mossy cobblestone.
opfromthestartFrames from Technic since it was removed.
Magic Tech
Futuray-pgmIt adds technology based magic
Randomized Map-specific Ores
Piezo_Adds two randomly created ores to each world with varying properties depending on the world's seed
Card deck
mijutuDeck of cards and table blocks
alerikaisatteraA Technic based machine for converting certain items into more compact forms
Noriel Sylvire's Minerals Core Modpack
Noriel_SylvireAn API for automatically registering recipes, nodes and ore generation.
Ben's Gear
MissingTextureMan101Attach tool parts to create new tools and add a whole new layer of strategy to your tool crafting!
LWComponents Spawners
loosewheelRegister spawners for lwcomponents.
Death Coords
NidenShow Death Coordinates
LunovoxProtection of land on payment of periodic rate.