NordalAdds handmills and threshing floor.
Tungsten Carbide
RemainderTheoremAdds tools made from tungsten carbide that are more durable.
Useful Contraptions
theFoxSome useful contraptions / machines.
AwesomeDragon97Adds bamboo which generates in jungles and can be used as a crafting ingredient.
More Upgrade Packs
nolombicUpgrade your upgrade packs so you can have even higher stats!
LissoBonePropel yourself through space with this new invention. Zero-G recommended. Check settings for tweaks.
Rainbow Source
SharaAdds coloured water.
More Crafting Recipes
RasPiManiacAdds more default crafting recipes
TX MinerLets you eat Horsetails from Paleotest. Very helpful in caves!!!
Potions And Magic
mathysAdd potions and their hud
Moss Carpets
alerikaisatteraMoss carpets based on Ethereal mosses
Angled Stairs
TumeniNodesAdds angled stairs to the Minetest Game.
Generic moon of Saturn
Red_King_CyclopsReplaces the default earthlike setting with a generic moon of Saturn.
Steel bar blocks
sotha1adds blocks made of steel bars (xpanes)
Bunker Block
SpooksAdd blast proof concrete and its craft items.
Coconut Trees
NeuromancerAdds coconut trees with edible coconuts & thatch blocks
Advanced Weapons
LMDAdds a variety of advanced weapons.
LinuxdirkA craftable and “makeable“ cement blocks for Minetest Game
Glostone Building Blocks
WovadoAdds basic glostone-based building materials
mike.monkeybiterOpen skinsdb by right clicking a node
alerikaisatteraA mineral found at high altitude and items made with it
mt-modsAdds simple pillars and columns
monkMakes dry soil wet for farming
Stained Glass
andersjeAdds various stained glass blocks, originally by doyousketch2
Locked Travelnet
SokomineProtect travelnet stations with locks and/or passwords
Tinted Glass
1F616EMOColored glass
GC Gamemode
stellarorionEasily switch between the survival and creative inventory
Ham Radio
techniXRadio transmitters, beacons, and receivers
SoloSniperAdds obsidian tools and armour
Valleys Mapgen
Gaël de SaillyA map generator with valleys, rivers, mountains and many plants.
More Ladders
SkyBuilder1717Adds more ladders and sticks!!!
Strange Weapons
Robot10&ScheletorAdds many strange and improbable weapons
WorldEdit Wall Block
SkyBuilder1717Adds block and item for making big structures easily as possible.
johalunMobile storage box powered by Mese
More Fuels
pl608Adds a few new fuels for use in furnaces such as gasoline and petrolium
Castle Storage
FaceDeerContains storage containers one might find contained in a castle.
Tree Particles
SuperStarSonicAdds particles of falling leaves when you punch a tree
Node houses
MatyasPNode houses is a mod by MatyasP that adds one-node block of houses, for crafting using items from mode default.
Ancient Ice Stuff
Robot10&ScheletorAdds a new powerful ore to the game
mt-modsAdds lots of differently colored and textured blocks to Minetest.