Beautiful Boulders
regulusProcedurally Generated Rocks with (pretty) Accurate Collision Boxes
Advanced Biome Decoration Modpack
EmptyStarA collection of advanced biome decorations
Lategame Amulets
CometMine rare ore. Make amulets. Get tons of steel blocks. Build megastructures.
Quartz Geodes
AwesomeDragon97Extends the Geodes mod with quartz geodes.
Lighting Rocket
lag01For temporary lighting large areas
CTF Extra Maps
Johannes FritzAdds some extra maps to the Capture the Flag game.
JoeEndermanAdds an uncrafting table
BirgitLachnerA Mod to let Kids start programming with a turtle that can move around in the world, and dig and build what the user wants.
mike.monkeybiterA refillable machine to easily create simple block bridges across caverns and valleys.
Technic Recycle
DumbDave961Recycling recipes for Technic items.
mt-modsAdds lots of differently colored and textured blocks to Minetest.
GC Gamemode
stellarorionEasily switch between the survival and creative inventory
Randomized Map-specific Ores
Piezo_Adds two randomly created ores to each world with varying properties depending on the world's seed
Mesecons Microphone
Maverick2797Chat-toggleable mesecons node.
SokomineAdd colored plaster coats to nodes
New Horizons
Hi_WorldAdds 4 new biomes and TONS of new blocks!
Movement Essentials
DanielAdds umbrella for slow fall (hang gliders), consume mese crystal to recall (return to spawn), and throw fragments to teleport.
Ice Machine
cheapieA machine that makes ice cubes.
Maple tree
DuvalonAdds a maple tree placed during world generation.
Dyeable Steel Blocks
nemokitty9Allows Players to dye Steel for decorative blocks.
Hero TNT
NeuromancerTNT that only destroys cobble like in H.E.R.O. game.
AwesomeDragon97Launch explosive cannonballs at your enemies.
mzs.112000A simple mod adding a few biomes to Minetest Game
More Tools
SFENCEAdd more variant of screwdriver and shears (if vines is enabled). Add garden trowel tool if composting is enabled.
Colourful Ladders
Itz-Noah40 colourful wooden ladders
Elepower Recycle
DumbDave961Recycling recipes for Elepower items.
More Upgrade Packs
nolombicUpgrade your upgrade packs so you can have even higher stats!
Knapping Mechanics
csirolliAdds knapping mechanics API inspired by Vintage story
Item Holders
Jose_ManuelS18Adds 'Item Holders', blocks that hold your items in display, also provides a API.
Embedded Lights
scr267Decorative block embedded LED or Potlights
WuzzyGift boxes that players can give to other who will then receive random items
Gems Battle
MisterEBedwars-like team battle minigame
MTC Chisel
Can202Add Chisel and new decorative blocks.
loosewheelVarious colorable decorative blocks.
Nyancat's heaven (reworked)
Hybrid DogAdds a nyanland in the sky
GigaBytemore uses for obsidian
Kotatsu Tables
Piezo_Adds a new piece of furniture based on Japanese kotatsu tables
Generic moon of Saturn
Red_King_CyclopsReplaces the default earthlike setting with a generic moon of Saturn.
Kitty/Kitto Ores
nemokitty9Nemokitty9's own ore pack. Includes Tools!