Mid Measure

Quickly get the distance between two nodes and calculate their mid-point

Building Building Mechanics and Tools

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How do I install this?

Mid-Measure [mid_measure] (v1.0)

Mid-Measure is a Minetest mod which can be used for quickly calculating the distance (in all three axes) between two nodes, and ascertaining their mid-point, both of which are displayed in the chat (as of now; refer to TODO section below)

The calculations are performed right after pos2 has been marked, and if auto-reset has been enabled, will reset after the configured number of seconds.

Partly inspired by Minetest-WorldEdit

License: MIT

Mod Dependencies: default (optional; see below)

Custom settings

  • mid_measure.auto_reset - Auto-reset duration. Accepts a value of n seconds, where 0 <= n <= 3600. If n==0, auto-reset is disabled (not recommended for server environments).
  • mid_measure.enable_crafting - Enables crafting (disabled by default) of marker tool if true. The craft-recipe depends on default mod.

How does this work?

  • Mark the first node by either of the two methods given below:
  • Standing on a node and typing /mark1.
  • Left-clicking on a node with the Marker.
  • Mark the second node by either of the two methods given below:
  • Standing on a node and typing /mark2.
  • Left-clicking on another node with the Marker.
  • The distance will automatically be calculated after marking the second node, and the mid-point will be highlighted as well.
  • Click on pos1 / pos2 / mid-point or type /reset_mark to manually reset at anytime.

Craft-recipe for marker tool

The craft-recipe is quite simple actually. It's very similar to the recipe for torches, but the coal lump is replaced by a mese crystal fragment here.

[Mese Crystal fragment]


  • [ ] Re-implement mod using HUD elements to output distance and mid-point co-ords.



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