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How do I install this?

The game aims to contain extra environments and things. The current goal is to create a adventure game full of things to explore.

Beginning tips: You are starting with a craftguide. Get stricks from leaves and ground, get flint from sand and craft with sticks to tools.

You becomes hungry and tirsty, eat fruits or meat and drink fresh water to survive. (drink by punching into water)

The game does not contain gross violence, magic, occultism or any other supernatural phenomena, but monsters (brings some action)

Try the parkour features:
sneak to crawl,
wallrunning by run into/very near a wall and jump
wall/edge climbing by walk into a wall edge

Check out whats new (log / only noticeable changes)

See more details and news at the forum:

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Do you recommend this game?

  • The Best Bad Game I've Played In a Rather Long While

    XaEnvironment is not a good game. It's janky, doesn't do a good job explaining its mechanics, doesn't look good, doesn't sound good... and yet, I've had a blast playing it. It's the kind of bad that comes off as earnest and endearing, rather awful or lazy.

    I've only played the game for about half an hour, but in that time I:

    • Spawned at the bottom of a deep valley, unsure how to leave
    • Discovered that, in fact, the game has a lot of movement tech and the cliffs around me were traversable without any digging/building!
    • Then, drunk on power, I accidentally flung myself off a cliff into the ocean...
    • ...where I wound up trapped in some rapids and drowned
    • I started a new world and spawned into a village full of NPCs with fake random garbled player name tags...
    • ...who began hollering various things into chat...
    • ...including one guy asking if the dev could please remove the NPCs already
    • I then wandered off back into the wilderness, got into a terrifying and dramatic fistfight with a bird, then died of thirst

    Even dying horribly is a genuinely interesting experience in this game!

    I feel like I should still point out some of the bad parts of this game in the interest of giving the dev actionable feedback. The biggest problem that I see right now is that most interfaces are really cluttered and poorly designed, including some particularly annoying behaviors (eg. pressing enter in the search field closes the craftguide instead of searching). Additionally, while it's neat to see animals and npcs all over the place the volume of sound effects feel really out of wack. It's hard to describe, but it feels like everything is next to you even if it's rather far away. Finally, more feedback and polish on the parkour would be really helpful. You have a neat system, but it can still feel pretty unclear and disorienting at times.

    Even in its current state, the game has enough novel stuff to be worth a look. It's fun.

  • Lots of content, but this game is such a mess

    (review for version 2024-01-23)

    This game has a HUGE amount of content. That's a plus! It will take you quite some time to explore everything. I don't think I've even scratched the surface. You can find villages, even cities, lonely huts, animals everywhere, ruins. The underground is also full of mysteries. The biomes are large and complex. The overworld and underground are nice to look at. There are so many features. There is a LOT you can do in this game.

    BUT: This game just want to kill me. Even touching flowing water can propel you at high speeds, often leading to insta-kill. The world is full of deep chasms that will kill you with fall damage. Even a single tiny wasp can kill you within seconds and you usually don't even know what killed you. Sometimes you just randomly die at full health and have NO IDEA why. If you happen to find a city, there are cars that just crash into everyone and everything. Food is somewhat sparse and hunger and thirst come fast. Especially thirst, figuring out how not to die of thirst is tricky.

    There's an elaborate parcours mechanic. A LOT of special moves. But I keep triggering the moves when I do not want them and fail to trigger them when I don't. A worst of all, make a wrong parcour move, and you may take collision damage. I don't have anything difficult games. But if most deaths just happen by random chance, this is not fun.

    The menus look ugly and are full of typos. Many menu images are placed in a weird ways. Item names often look like "Crystal15".

    And there are just outright bugs. So many bugs I don't even want to list them.

    But still … this game, despite all its flaws, still was … kinda fun? Too bad its so broken and frustrating to play. :-(

    This game really needs serious polishing and bugfixing before I can recommend it. To the developer I strongly recommend to stop adding more features but instead refine the existing ones, fix all the bugs, polish the UI and review ALL the text for typos.

  • Crazy game

    I thought the nuclear bomb would be disappointing. I was wrong.

  • Very nice game.

    Very, very nice game in my opinion. I have a lot to learn about in this game, and the AI is wonderful.

    Some suggestions are: 1. I think you should add some of the Alive_Ai chat messages. 2. The point of view when changing viewpoints isn't nice in my opinion. 3. The player model and AI models are wrong, as the head is squashed, the body, arms and legs are too long. If possible, try using player_api model.

  • Very cool game but needs refinement

    This is one of my favorite Minetest games. It has very cool mechanics and features. To me it is so cool that you can do flips and crawl in the game.

    The game could use refinement. The inventory formspec is kind of messy and it is hard to tell what certain buttons and inventory slots are for. Also there is often a lack of context in messages presented to the player. For example when you die a position is displayed in chat. What is this position? The location where I died? Also all formspecs showing your current in game currency balance don't show any units. It just shows a yellow number.

    With some small changes this could possibly be the best Minetest game!

  • Some unique features

    It has some unique features that also can be useful to port into standard game as a separate mod. Like sleeping in a nice looking tent. Swimming/crawling animation. So on.

  • Unique concept

    I love this game. It has really different mecahnincs from minetest. The world generation is interesting like ravines. I also liked the villagers as they have random virus like names and talk in the chat like npcs. I have never seen dual wielding ever in minetest while this game offers it. And the 3d bag wielding system was fricki'n awesome.

    Whoa it also has realms. The sugar candy realm literally amazed me and I teleported there everytime I saw it. And the monsters they are damn cool. I loved the titans, the candy monster was powerful.

    But I have a request for you could you add the features to tame all the bears and all the wolves, because those boss wolves loom insane.

    I would totally recommend this game.

  • Funny Game

    A Total Funny and Janky game. * The NPC with random name chats. Even sometimes funny things in the chat. * Some weird effect when swimming in water * Huge Weird Cliffs * Loud Music

    What i learned from this game Death is inevitable



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