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For Luanti 5.0 and above

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A continuation of the whinny mod that adds tameable & rideable horses.


Wild horses can be tamed by feeding them items that they like, such as apples, carrots, wheat, & oats. Once the horse's appetite has been satisfied it becomes "tamed" & the player feeding it becomes the owner. Tamed/Owned horses can only be ridden, picked up, & killed by the owner. Currently, the mobs:lasso item is supported for picking up (plans to add more items).

To ride tamed horse, right-click (place action) the entity to mount it. Use the W/S keys for forward/reverse. There are two modes for steering:

  • mouse (follows player facing direction) (default)
  • A/D keys

Controls can be changed by setting mount_turn_player_look in the configuration.

Right-click again to dismount. Tamed horses do not wander.



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