Just a Mountain

Adds a Mountain (4000x2000 blocks large, 1000 blocks tall)during worldgen around a configurable position

Environment / Weather Mapgen / Biomes / Decoration

Download (4 KB)
For Luanti 5.0 and above

How do I install this?

Adds a Mountain during worldgen.

The Mountain is about 1000 blocks high and has a base of a 2000x4000 blocks.

The Position of the mountain can be configured in the settings.

No new blocks/items or functions are added with this mod.

Once the mountain has been fully generated, the mod can be safely removed again.

The dafault ore distribution is used to generate ores in the mountain.

With an unmodified Minetest-basegame, this results in almost no ores in the mountain.

To change this, edit "\games\minetest_game\mods\default\mapgen.lua".

License: MIT

Mod dependencies: default

Author: DeadLock



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