Just a Mountain

Adds a Mountain (4000x2000 blocks large, 1000 blocks tall)during worldgen around a configurable position

Environment / Weather Mapgen / Biomes / Decoration

Download (4 KB)
For Luanti 5.0 and above

How do I install this?

Adds a Mountain during worldgen.

The Mountain is about 1000 blocks high and has a base of a 2000x4000 blocks.

The Position of the mountain can be configured in the settings.

No new blocks/items or functions are added with this mod.

The mountains base materials are "mapgen_stone", "mapgen_water_source", "mapgen_snowblock" & "mapgen_ice".

Biome defined materials are used if available.

Once the mountain has been fully generated, the mod can be safely removed again.

Ores in the mountain are generated with both the default ore generator and a mod-specific generator as well. The mod specific generator uses all ores that are registered by the game to spawn above an adjustable y-Level (default: -500) as type "scatter". Only the "mapgen_stone"-blocks will be transformed to ores, you can adjust the amount of ore-spawning in the settings (with values 0 - 15)

License: MIT

Author: DeadLock

Credits: NameNotQuality, for Ideas and Feedback on Ore-Generation



Do you recommend this mod?

  • English

    Mount Everest in Minetest?

    Having a humongous mountain in your world can be really cool, and I can recommend this mod if you would figure out how to get ores to spawn in there.

    But I wish this mod could work with every game (e.g. NodeCore) by using the default mapgen blocks there and allow ore spawning by default (e.g. overwrite some variables by optionally depending on something that needs it). The default place for the mountain could also be right next to spawn instead of in the player (e.g. X:1000, Z:2000). Thank you!

    Edit: The developer is already realising my suggestions, as you can see in the comments below