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The Lower Road (a Minetest Mod)

Adds a long road from -Z to +Z to the world, during world-generation.

The road partially follows the terrain and tunnels through higher ground otherwise.

The road materials depend on the environment.

Small amounts of loot can be found in little buildings beside the road.

Per default the road will be generated at around x = 100.

Version: 1.2

License: The MIT License (MIT)

Dependencies: default, stairs, farming (found in minetest_game) Optional Dependencies: lualandmg?

Download from:

Compatibility with Mapgens: generally works with all mapgens which provide a heightmap via minetest.get_mapgen_object works better when a heatmap is provided as well.

Fully compatible with : v5, v7, flat, fractal, valleys, lualandmg

Compatible with slightly different behaviour with: v6

Not compatible with singlenode unless you provide at least a heightmap in the corresponding lua-mapgenerator, see for an example on how to provide heightmap and heatmap properly.


Unzip the archive, (optionally rename the folder to thelowerroad) and place it in minetest/mods/

Activate this mod when generating a new world. The road is generated during world-generation, so activating it on already existing worlds might not generate one.

Check the advanced configuration-section of Minetest to change the configurable parameters.

For further information or help see:



Do you recommend this mod?

  • Nice!

    Why is it called the LOWER road?

    Not a complaint, just curious.

    This high quality road, easily walkable but clearly not made for wheeled vehicles, which weaves pleasantly through all kinds of landscape, adds a touch of mystery, encourages exploration and makes it much easier as it cuts right through mountain ranges and bridges cliffs. pathv7 does something similar, but the styles are quite different and the two mods can be enabled side by side for even more variety.

    I like how here and there a single node has been replaced with cobble or dirt, and that the roadside torches, houses and their loot and can save your life early in the game and become quaint later. And that the road uses local materials. Ok fine, I like everything about it :D.

    It makes one come up with LORE. How old is it? Who were the builders? Or are they still around? Why LOWER road? Why just one and along this particular meridian (since it's not x = 0)?

  • Irresistable

    I just keep walking down the road. Always more to see! Worked perfectly for me.

    “It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.”

    ― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings


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