A chisel that allows you to shape blocks. If technic mod is present the chisel will be rechargeable.
To craft a chisel just put a steel ingot and a brown wool in the crafting grid. The steel goes above the wool. (different recipe for technic device)
Once you have your chisel you can set the style by right clicking.
There are 5 styles to choose from(default) - horizontal groove - vertical groove - cross groves (this matches up with the vertical and horizontal grooves - square - 4 edges
Right click until you see the style you want in the chat then point at the node and left click. Each node can be cut 4 times. Each time you chisel the groove will get a little deeper.
Shift right click to change the supported mod. Here the list of supported mods: default (mychisel mod) 5 styles facade 10 styles
Only certain nodes can be chiseled. Here are the supported nodes
Coal Block
Desert Stone"
Acacia Wood
Aspen Wood
Pine Wood
Desert Cobble
Jungle Wood
Sandstone Brick
Stone Brick
Desert Stone Brick
Forum - https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=13104
*** added 01/2018 by Gundul *** *** chiselapi: ***
Fist init your mod with mychisel:
modname = the name of your mod
number = number of different styles for each node
Then register your nodes with mychisel:
chisel.register_node(modname, prefix, raw, design)
modname = the name of your node
prefix = prefix of your new node name right behind the ":", usually the name of the raw material without "modname:"
raw = name of the raw material for example "default:stone"
design = name of your nodestyle after beeing chiseled
Naming your nodes:
In your mod the nodes should be named like this: modname..":"..prefix.."_"..design
In your modfolder add this line to your depends.txt: mychisel?
Example: you made a mod named "pillar" with 3 different pillar designs
first register your mod: chisel.add_mod(pillar,3)
then register each node of it:
chisel.register_node("pillar", "stone", "default:stone", "round")
chisel.register_node("pillar", "stone", "default:stone", "square")
chisel.register_node("pillar", "stone", "default:stone", "hexagon")
Do this for every material your mod supports:
chisel.register_node("pillar", "sandstone", "default:sandstone", "round")
chisel.register_node("pillar", "sandstone", "default:sandstone", "square")
chisel.register_node("pillar", "sandstone", "default:sandstone", "hexagon")
In your mod the nodes should have names like: