Crown Mold, Baseboards, Columns and more To minetest
Licence - MIT
If you want to add or remove a texture simply edit the materials.lua file.
Each texture has 24 nodes so careful that you don't add too many textures.
API example:
{cracky=3, stone=1, not_in_creative_inventory=1},
An incredible, severely underrated mod
This is one of the best building extensions I have seen, the shapes fit together wonderfully and are a great look on any build! This mod is also ancient and does not support a lot of mods, so I would reccomend that you add new materials with
.A very practical and complete mod !
Extremely incredible mod I was looking for columns and well I'm served !
The mod is very complete it allows to decorate from floor to ceiling.
And allows really beautiful finishes.
You can do great and beautiful things with.