My Mulch

Turns leaves and other items to mulch blocks


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For Luanti 5.0 and above

How do I install this?


Created by Don

Code for machine based off of Noncubic by yves_de_beck

mymulch adds mulch to the game. You craft it from leaves, sticks, flowers and plants in the composter and can color it in the Mulch dye machine.

Simply craft a composter and open it. Added any combination of leaves, flowers, plants and sticks. Click the "make" button and you get tan colored mulch. You can also dye the mulch in the composter.

Mulch is soil so you can grow any plants that require group:soil. They are falling nodes. They need something under them just like gravel.

Craft a composter

group:leaves group:wood group:leaves

group:wood default:apple group:wood

group:leaves group:wood group:leaves

Licence - MIT

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