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Travelnet Redo

This is a rewrite of the original Travelnet mod, using PostgreSQL as the storage backend.

This rewrite is based on commit fad216d of mt-mods' fork, a fork of the unmaintained upstream By Sokomine.

Why this fork?

  • No more bloated API: You can create travelnets not only in box-like shape
  • Cleaner codes: Getting rid of 12 years of ancient debris hidden deep inside codes
  • Lesser memory usage: Not having to load all networks the player owns to load one network
  • More flexibility: Allow admins to change the owner and the name (to-do) of a network easily
  • No hacky travelnet removal code: Travelnets can be dug normally instead of asking for detachment in the UI
  • No more cramped UIs: Using flow as the GUI library, the elements align themselves neatly

Travelnets catalogue

  • Default travelnets: Original box-like travelnets that come with this mod, in 15 colors
  • Fancy travelnets: Travelnets with fancy textures, magic themed
  • Travelnet beacons: Single-node travelnet (not box-shaped)


  • This mod is not a drop-in replacement of the original Travelnet mod. Contributions are welcomed, but I don't plan to write migration scripts.
  • Elevators are not included. This is mainly my personal choice - use more realistic elevators, they are not bad.
  • Punching the travelnet no longer updates it. Instead, they are always up-to-date, and a cache system ensures the robustness of displays.
  • The number of travelnets in a network is no longer limited to 24. Though packed, the system properly handles the display of >24 travelnets.
  • A sorting key field is added. This is a 2-bit signed integer controlling how travelnets should be sorted when listed, the smaller the upper. Travelnets first get sorted by their sorting key, then case-insensitive alphabetically.
  • Apart from "(P)" meaning protected, "(I)" means enter only - you can't exit from that travelnet unless you own that travelnet.
  • If travelnet names start with integers, they are sorted numerically.


This mod requires pgmoon and luasocket. Use the following command to install them:

luarocks install pgmoon
luarocks install luasocket

After installing, configure the following in your minetest.conf (see for full options list):

# We need insecure environment access
secure.trusted_mods = travelnet_redo

# Note that this differs from backend definitions in
travelnet_redo.pg_connection = database=minetest host= port=5432 user=minetest password=password

Of course, configure your PostgreSQL server accordingly. You can safely share the same database with all Minetest storage.



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