Also früher habe ich den müll einfach aus dem inventar gezogen aber heute gibt es ja mülltonnen guter Mod!
den leuten die ordnung halten möchten lieben diesen mod wahrscheinlich!
Leave a few of these around the streets and let people go through publicly designated trash; or keep one in your house. My only complaint is that it doesn't have pipeworks support, but the pipeworks mod has its own trash can for that purpose.
Not much to be said. A simple mod that does exactly what it is meant to do. Open the trash can or dumpster, place your unwanted items in, & empty the trash to delete them permanently.
Garbage mod
Which is pretty good, does what it says on the tin! This is useful both for decoration and for discarding unwanted items
A simple trashcan and a handy dumpster to toss your unwanted items away.
Meine Meinung
Also früher habe ich den müll einfach aus dem inventar gezogen aber heute gibt es ja mülltonnen guter Mod! den leuten die ordnung halten möchten lieben diesen mod wahrscheinlich!
Great for use on the streets
Leave a few of these around the streets and let people go through publicly designated trash; or keep one in your house. My only complaint is that it doesn't have pipeworks support, but the pipeworks mod has its own trash can for that purpose.
It Does It
Not much to be said. A simple mod that does exactly what it is meant to do. Open the trash can or dumpster, place your unwanted items in, & empty the trash to delete them permanently.