Elevators (elevators
This Mod adds an elevator entity and two types of rails for the elevator. The Elevator only works on these rails.
This mod works best on low lag environments, expect issues otherwise!
Right-click to enter or leave the elevator. Left-click to remove the elevator. While you are seated in the elevator, you can accelerate by pressing jump or sneak. You will accelerate until you reached the top speed. If you cross a brakerail the velocity will be set to zero, perfect for an holding station.
Code and ressources
Most of the code is written by me. The textures are based on the default minetest_game carts. The model for the elevator is the same as minetest_game carts. The function manage_attachment() and on_place for the elevator_entity is from minetest_game carts.
good, but has a major problem
the mod is simple and straightforward. easy to use. the only down side is that there is no way to call the elevator when it is on a different track (floor). therefore unsuitable for multiplayer
Manual operation
it can be useful when the player needs/wants to stop at any position, like at a construction, or a vertical service tunnel, etc.
Good alternative to stairs
One problem, the elevator car tends to disapear at random and without warning