Mining Rework

Changes ore generation to be "nicer". More ore, in bigger clusters, much higher up. (mese blocks start at y = -100).

Work in Progress Survival

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Mining Rework

A mining rework focused on not wasting your time.

This mod aims to provide a more pleasant mining experence for those who don't have time to dig 10,000+ blocks down. List of changes:

All ore spawns much higher.

Most ore is now blob type. (ore now spawn in big clumps, with iron being extra big)

Frequancy of some ores decreased to not flood the map (as of now coal(?), tin, and copper have been lowered)

Spawn levels

The mod is extremly simple, and more detailed info is easily readable in the init.lua. For convience I'll put the really important stuff below: All ores can spawn all the way to the bottom of the world. The first number is the starting y to find them.

Coal: 1025

Tin: -12

Copper: -16

Iron: -36, HUGE blobs.

Gold: -42, small blobs (may increase later)

Mese: -50, small blobs (same size as gold)

Diamond: -70, not changed to blob, only made to spawn higher.

Mese Block: -100, not changed to blob. This will be changed eventually (I want to focus on the basics for now)


I only tweaked some things, and am not aware of all the effects of those tweaks. As of now I've notice that in blob mode, max ore count seems to change the max radius. This makes small diffrences in numbers result in huge ore count diffs. I've also notice that the distrubion of ore is mostly flat the way I currently have it. This may just be due to the quantaty of ore being to high to notice any rate reduction.


The mod is marked a WIP because I'm unsure of how stable this is. It should be completly safe to use in any v7 world (prob others too), but I can't confirm that as of now. I will be tweaking this mod a lot to get it just right, and am open to suggestions. As of now I have not touched the noise generation, and hope not to.



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