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NodeCore is really a sandbox game of its own kind, featuring immersive gameplay different from every other game. However, it is still a sandbox, and a big part of sandbox gameplay is building. NodeCore is pretty minimalistic in that aspect.

While trying to make builds in the game, I found concrete as one of the best building blocks. Creating it is fascinating too: it goes in a similar fashion to real life. What is not so fascinating though is that there are only 5, mostly boring colors/shades: black, grey, white, yellow and brown.

There are mods that already add more concrete, such as NodeCore Sealife, but I have never saw one that focuses on the concrete part and makes the most of the default blocks available. I also tried asking the main developer of NodeCore, Warr1024, if he would like more concrete in the main game, which he didn't. This is what inspired me to create my 1st ever mod: NB* More Concrete.

When you enable NB More Concrete, you will be able to discover 5 (for now) more types of concrete, which you will be able to use to create much more elaborate structures than ever before. WIth the power of sky, nature, sea, eggcorn and sun, you will be able to realise your imagination in a much more accurate way and create even more beatiful structures.

Of course, as in the spirit of NodeCore, I will not immiedately tell you about the recipes; you will have to discover them yourself. If you give up, I recommend you take a look in the settings, which call them by color (and also allow you to toggle specific concretes).

As a last resort, you can also take a look at the concretesolution file in the mod directory, which is a draft I was making the whole time while creating the mod, kept for curiousity/historical purposes (and so you can talk about some ideas in there with me and add new ones).

Thank you for reading and good luck!


NB - I was thinking of naming my mods similarly to Winter94 (who appended 'wc', meaning 'wintercore', to the start of his mod names) and making them easier to distinguish from others (which is really also recommended by NodeCore, in their CONTRIBUTING file). I came up with 'NB', because I found the shortcut 'N.B.', which stands for 'note well' (nota bene), used in the descriptions of Warr1024's NodeCore and (some) mods. I think this could mean e.g. 'NodeBene', but I didn't explicitely define the meaning and will just use the abbrevation 'NB' like the NodeCore descs did with nota bene (N.B.).

N.B.: this mod is currently WIP: some things (e.g. textures) may be subject to change, there are more concretes to be added, and you are highly recommended to suggest changes. You can submit bugs anonymously on the project page if you don't want to create an account. You may also create a new thread on this page (ContentDB).

Recent breaking changes

0.3.0 (fix)

The setting for toggling the 3rd dark concrete has been changed to have a spoiler-free technical name. If you changed this setting, go to the settings and change it again.

0.4.2 (reversible)

The recipe for the green concrete has been made cheaper, so instead of using a decently expensive block mixed with ash, you're now supposed to make a specific mix greener in a manner similar to normally mixing a block and ash.

You can change this back to the old recipe in the settings.


(Almost) all of the files in this project (including media) are licensed under the AGPL-3.0-or-later. It is a copyleft license, which grants the four fundamental freedoms and also requires modified versions running on a online, multiplayer server to be able to offer its source code (I commented out such a function in the code, which you can uncomment and use to comply with the requirement). See COPYING for details.

For you to be sure that this is free software, and that you don't need to interact with nonfree JS, spyware, and possibly other schenanigans, I have chosen a git project hosting platform that cares about freedom and privacy, which is hosted by GNU themselves: Nongnu Savannah.

It's a bit different than other popular code hosters though, so here are some tips about navigation:

  • You can find the main project page in the website link. It has many resources such as the things said below, which can also be found at the top of this text.

  • The repository link is only meant for git commands and not for general browsing using a web browser. You can find the web browser version here.

  • There's a similar situation with bug reporting; the bug tracker link goes to the bug submit form. You can view all bugs here.



Do you recommend this mod?

  • English

    Interesting addition to concretes, extends vanilla with additional colors.

    I cheated a bit to discover the recipes for making the concretes, one seemed a bit more obvious by look than the other, but I should have realized sooner. As far as I tested, it seemed to work about the same as the other concretes and I would believe all forms were available.

    I wonder about some effects which differ from the vanilla forms, particularly the purple cement. Without giving out any spoilers here, lets just say that the wandering result left something different than what a similar vanilla recipe caused which I would have expected. There may be some logic or reasoning behind this but it is not what I had expected since it is unique to the mod. I do agree with how this same form of concrete requires something else to create it, that makes sense to me (and I like it). I also tested for washout result which for one was expected and again the other not so much.

    I did not test how panels work (I assume they exist) so I do not know if there is a difference such as exists among the other brick panels.

    Thank you for adding to the NodeCore environment.