VoxelLibre Teleporter

VoxeLibre Teleporter was created due to Travelnet not completely working in the new VoxeLibre game.


Download (16 KB)
For Luanti 5.10 and above

How do I install this?

VoxeLibre Teleporter was created due to Travelnet not completely working in the new VoxeLibre game.

It is just the plate

It is simple to use, edit and it can store entries with different networks.

Create different teleport networks


You can either get by the console commandline or craft it.

The command is: /giveme teleporter_plates:net_plate

Once placed, it can only be removed through Creative mode.



Do you recommend this mod?

  • English

    Simple, craftable, and helpful... BUT...!

    I've been playing single player Voxelibre a lot since the beginning of the year, and found myself placing an amethyst block in a little closet in each of my bases, then writing down and saving the coordinates for it in notepad and using /tp to jump between these "pads." Then I saw this mod, started using it, and thought it was GREAT! Saved me a lot of trouble! Very useful so far, and makes finding ocean temples a much more significant event!

    The only problem is:

    -- Additional checks if dx < -1000 or dx > 1000 or dy < 1 or dy > 30000 or dz < -1000 or dz > 1000 then minetest.chat_send_player(pname, "Coordinates are out of acceptable range!")

    ... why??? Yeah sure I can just edit it myself or just comment it out, but WHY is it here in the first place?