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For Luanti 5.4 and above

How do I install this?

Custom skygrid mapgen for Luanti.

As with all custom Lua mapgens, it overwrites the 'singlenode' mapgen. The node selection is based off the current world seed, but will change if mods containing nodes are enabled/disabled.

It generates a list of nodes from core.registered_nodes, so all mods and games should work with it, including its nodes into the list of potential nodes.



Do you recommend this mod?

  • Works as Expected

    Maybe don't play heavily modded on Android, but it will still hold up. I had low FPS, but I am sure I could decrease render distance, or play on an actual PC for better experience. It gives a nice random selection from all mods installed. And, it spawns you near 0, 0, 0. It might be a good idea to get some stuff setup beforehand in creative. Such as a small island akin to the original Skyblock.

  • finally i can acces every resource in "skyblock"

    very good for sky block without worriing about crafting receipe changes just clear a 1000x300x1000 cube using worldedit and build the island in the middle