Adds coral reefs, fish, decorative ocean blocks and much more!
Building Mapgen / Biomes / Decoration Mobs / Animals / NPCs Survival
Used By
Wilhelmines Animal World
LiilAdds various wild animals to your Minetest Game world.
Wilhelmines People
LiilAdds the possibility to build living Villages. Trade items for random stuff from your villagers, recruit mounts and warriors.
Native Villages
LiilAdds villages of native people to the world.
Extended Tooltips: Food
adikalonAdds food information
Adaptation lib and mods
SFENCEKey based adaptation database of items.
Good mod
Personally, I think you have it very clear how to submerge an item without filling the entire block with emptiness. A plant covered in water wherever you see it. It could be a bigger change to be able to do the same with stairs, slabs or microblocks from moreblocks. You could make a pool with submerged stairs and that would be a great step forward for luanti.-
Adds some ocean assets
Adds some ocean assets such as fish and coral. Sometimes the fish beach themselves; I don't know why.
Dolphins are included! Dolphins! Sadly they also beach themselves sometimes.