PosTool mod for Minetest
Adds configurable HUD elements for current: position (node and block) and time. If advtrains is installed, it can also display railway time. If mesecons_debug is installed, this info can also be displayed.
Use chat command /postool to invoke formspec to toggle elements and position of HUD.
Pick a location.
Use the tool.
Invoke formspec with /postool
Example display of HUD
The progress-bar shows the mesecons usage in current block. It changes colour based on penalty.
When not disabled and user is not standing in the middle block of a chunk, then a smaller, green grid shows in which direction the chunk borders are. The closer to the orange grid the green one is, the closer a chunk border is in that direction.
Crafting recipe:
| | | default:glass |
| | default:torch | |
| default:stick | | |
Punch or place with PosTool to show a grid of the map-block at that position. If PosTool is used on a node, that nodes position will be used otherwise players position.
Settings with default values:
# HUD offsets in screen percentage
postool.hud.offsetx 0.8
postool.hud.offsety 0.95
# HUD z_index (does not seem to work)
postool.hud.offsetz -111
# how to separate x, y and z values
postool.hud.posseparator ' | '
# titles in HUD and formspec
postool.hud.titletrain 'Railway Time: '
postool.hud.titletime 'Time: '
postool.hud.titlenode 'Node: '
postool.hud.titleblock 'Block: '
postool.hud.titlemesecons 'Mesecons: '
# value shown in HUD when
# advtrains is not enabled
postool.hud.titletrainna 'advtrains not enabled'
# main HUD switch
postool.hud.defaultshowmain false (0/1)
# which items to initially show
postool.hud.defaultshowtrain false (0/1)
postool.hud.defaultshowtime false (0/1)
postool.hud.defaultshownode true (0/1)
postool.hud.defaultshowblock true (0/1)
postool.hud.defaultshowmesecons false (0/1)
postool.hud.defaultshowmeseconsdetails false (0/1)
# wait at least this long
# before updating HUD (seconds)
postool.hud.minupdateinterval 2
# how long to show grid for
# when tool is used
postool.tool.griddisplayduration 12
postool.tool.suppresschunkindicator false (0/1)
This mod was strongly inspired by poshud. Some techniques I borrowed from missions. I also want to mention replacer <- Coil0's version <- Sokomine's version and protector as I used parts of them too. @6r1d for screenshots and support
Thanks also to the users of for feedback and inspiration to actually write this mod. @Huhhila for pushing the mapchunk indicator idea. On #minetest IRC/discord @Warr1024, @hlqkj and @Krock for chiming in the discussion.
Thanks to @BuckarooBanzay for helping debugging postool in node-breakers.
(If you feel I should include you by name, just submit a PR)