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For Luanti 5.10 and above

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1042 is a game placed in Europ around the year 1042 A.D. The game focuses on PvE and adventure. At the moment it is a bit limited but still playable at the basic level (See Features for more.)

We Hope you enjoy playing it and all feedback is welcome!

State: alpha-v0.2.0 WARNING Some systems may have problems running this game!

Notes on this version

  • Server mode is disabled due to multiplayer nuances, this will be fixed by beta v0.2.0


  • Mapgen with 4 biomes (tempeture areas) vast mountins and plains with deep oceans and caves
  • Unique UI with custom HUD and Invintory and in-game settings (on a per-player basis)
  • 1 texture
  • Several nodes
  • Working weather system
  • Working tools
  • Ores
  • Achivments API
  • Some sounds
  • Basic mobs (Fish and pigs, as of last update)
  • Basic smelting and crafting recipies.
  • Working hardcore mode.
  • Crafting of items
  • Weather sounds


  • Add moddable mapgen API
  • More trees and plants
  • Add More sounds and music
  • More general gameplay


beta v0.2.0

  • Add mapgen APIls
  • Add more trees and plants, flowers maybe.
  • Add pvp physics and more weapons (Bow and club)
  • Add lootable structures

beta v0.3.0

  • Add more structures (villages)
  • Add rivers
  • Possibly add new world(s)


  • 1042_warn_players_about_settings Warns players abour the requirements for settings to be enabled if they join in servermode, default: true
  • 1042_auto_adjust_settings Automaticly turns on settings for player (and updates to minetest.conf) if user settings conflict, default: false
  • 1042_ignore_required_settings Ignore required settings and run anyway (See Requirements), default: false
  • 1042_disable_weather Disable in-game weather, default: false



1042 has some requirements to run. There are also some things that are recommended and will be set up if settings are left to default values or if 1042_auto_adjust_settings = true

Can not be overridden

  • Luanti version 5.10.0 or later

Can be overridden with 1042_ignore_required_settings = true

  • enable_shaders = true for rendering some nodes properly
  • enable_auto_exposure = true for the colours in the game to look right
  • enable_post_processing = true for rendering
  • translucent_liquids = true to render things like water
  • enable_clouds = true for weather to look right
  • enable_3d_clouds = true for weather to look right
  • exposure_compensation = 0.5 for stuff to look right
  • enable_waving_water = true
  • enable_water_reflections = true
  • smooth_lighting = true
  • enable_dynamic_shadows = true
  • enable_volumetric_lighting = true
  • enable_bloom = true
  • enable_node_specular = true
  • soft_clouds = true
  • connected_glass = true
  • enable_fog = true


1042 is a free and open-source game and is licensed under the MIT license. If you would like to help develop you can make PRs on our github. You can also join our discord.

Online Resources



Do you recommend this game?

  • English

    "how to play" is an in-game wall of text in the inventory

    If the game expects players to go through such a long text placed in a remote part of the game (people playing Luanti for their first time probably don't know how to put an inventory), I think the game has already failed. In general, the graphics style was kinda hurting my eyes, as things were hard to read. Nice touch the vertical hotbar but aside that I don't think there's (currently) a lot that can be praised

  • English

    Beautifully immersive world

    This game is so visually pleasing, I don't know as that I've ever seen a game use 2x2 textures, but 1042 pulls it off and looks good doing it. Mechanics could use a little fine tuning, When you place a chest it randomly has items, some of which are unknown, but you can just place a chests, grab the items, break the chest, place it again, and get new items. Starting a fire was the worst part for me, as I didn't realize that I was supposed to use the Aux key to strike the flint and steel, so I was trying to punch it, which obviously didn't work.

  • English

    I’m confused …

    This survival game tries to be a little different and I appreciate the new art style. 2×2 textures? :-) It was interesting to explore the different biomes and the cute trees you built. I like the night sky. This simple glow effect in the clouds was nice to look at. I like when people use the simple tools of Luanti without any hacks to create a nice effect.

    But I admit I didn't play with the highest graphics settings tho.

    I disliked the vertical hotbar and quickly switched to the horizonal one. It's very hard to get used to the vertical one.

    The downside is that the gameplay feels lacking. Unfortunately, I don't know how to proceed. I tried to make iron ingots but the instructions are just too confusing. After trying a few times, I gave up. I managed to make fire at least and light some trees on fire lol.

    I wish this game had a crafting guide. Not even the README tells me a lot of information. Which is a bummer because I would have liked to see the other parts of the game. :-(

    Overall, I have to give a thumbs down because of the confusing gameplay and the game help … well … doesn’t help me so I quickly became stuck in this game, not knowing what to do. :-(

    But still thanks for posting this, it was still interesting to look at for a while.

  • English

    It's the year 1042 and you are lost.

    It's the year 1042 and you are lost.

    1042 is a yet-to-be-completed survival game, the aesthetic is pleasing, simple 2 by 2 textures. Sound is a bit lacking. Effects like snowfall and rain are present and add to ambiance as well, but the world feels barren.

    Hud is interesting as well, with the inclusion of a readme, gameplay, and credit buttons to read documentation in game.

    There is still a lot of room for improvement but I see the potential, and this is a good foundation. On a side note, at first I spawned in a huge snow biome and couldn't really progress since there's no sticks, so I had to create a new world. Not the best start.

  • English

    I don't see the point

    Hm...another MTG-like game, just without dependency on "default". Again Minecraft-like crafting (3x3). The textures look very prototypy (and probably are). I sure like that you cannot cut trees with your bare hands, something I always found strange in MTG or MC. Also I was killed by a hailstorm, nice idea. I always wanted hazardous environment (maybe not that hazardous as in Exile).

    As in "Wishful" I must ask why you don't take some other non-MTG survival game and build upon that. I'd recommend Repixture. Personally I like the approach of NodeCore, where you craft in-game and cannot carry 500 tons of rock around with you. I just don't think that we need yet another from-scratch approach to survival games, as long as it doesn't bring any breaking change.



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