
Adds bows and arrows to game. Fork of the mod by AiTechEye

Tools / Weapons / Armor

Download (42 KB)
For Luanti 5.0 and above

How do I install this?

Craft yourself a bow with some arrows and protect yourself, features include:

  • Simple API to register bows and arrows.
  • Custom functions when arrows hit object or node.
  • Uses raycasting for accuracy.
  • Mese arrows can toggle mesecon switches.
  • Diamond arrows can break glass blocks into shards.
  • Lucky block drops and special item.



Do you recommend this mod?

  • Arrow has to be to the left of the bow in inventory

    I figured it out! In the inventory, the arrow needs to be in the spot to the LEFT of the bow in order for the bow to load it! Otherwise the bow does nothing

    One left click: Arrow loads. Another left click: Arrow fires.

    Minor point: arrows are very expensive.

  • Good Bows

    best bows mod i found so far, the fact it works well in android isn't something you will find in every shooting mod..

    it confuses some people when the arrow needs to be on left of the bow, so i think it'd be better if it does not need to be on left..

  • Not useful when there is no recipe for arrows

    Just as the title says. There are no recipies for arrows and without arrows the bow is useless. The only way to get arrows is to install another mod (lucky_block), or use creative and cheat them.


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