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For Luanti 5.2 and above

How do I install this?

Ethereal adds many new biomes, plants, food items and tweaks to your world that makes for an interesting adventure :)

Here are some of the new additions:

Biomes: glacier, bamboo, mesa, alpine, healing, snowy, frost, grassy, caves, grayness, grassytwo, prairie, jumble, junglee, desert, grove, mushroom, sandstone, quicksand, plains, savannah, fiery, sandclay, swamp, reefs, sakura, tundra, mediterranean.

Trees: willow, healing, big, banana, frost, mushroom, palm, redwood, orange, birch, sakura, lemon, olive.

Food: wild onion, strawberry, lemon, olives, many fish, banana, pine nuts, coconut, golden apple, hearty stew, mushroom soup, firethorn jelly, sushi, teriyaki.

Special items and features: potion of flight, crystal tools, staff of light, gilly staff, a working fishing rod, cold blocks freeze water, hot blocks melt snow and ice, torch drops near water, falling leaf particles.



Do you recommend this mod?

  • Mostly recommended, with some caveats

    Ethereal is the go to mod for spicing up your game biome game. If you want a mod that makes your world feel like a diverse planet, this is an excellent option. You got lots of variety in biomes, a lot of new items, and it goes very well with the V7 mapgen.

    That said, bear in mind the following: You may want to edit which biomes show up in it's mod options menu, some I find tedious and boring. Also, some biomes tend to be far more common than others and if you need resources from certain biomes, you are kinda stuck doing a LOT of exploring to find them. Finally, it does add a lot of ground clutter that may not be for all players who aren't crazy about tons of underbrush.

  • Good for both decoration and survival

    On both survival (Linux Forks) and creative servers (C&C City Server), I found that the gaming experience was improved in both cases. In survival, it add more features (e.g. proper trees instead of the nearly useless bushes) that is extremely helpful for survival players. From another standpoint, it is useful for creative and building players since all blocks' appearences are very nice

    But on the another hand, the mushroom biome is too large and those mushroom trees are quite ugly. I think developers can refer to the appearence of big mushrooms in Minecraft, to create beautiful mushroom biome.

    Overall, this is a good mod that I recommend to any server.

  • Very Diverse

    Adds some much needed aesthetics & plenty of items & nodes. Gives worlds a more diverse feel.

  • Best surface mapgen mode

    a really good mapgen mode, it makes exploring really fun, with an easy to use biome api.. this mod, some mobs_redo animals and monsters and ambience will make exploring the surface awesome, unlike default MTG where there is nothing to see/find while exploring.. would be really nice to have a building generator mod supporting this one, also would be nicer if minetest supports adding biomes at every hight without using VoxelManip or whatever.. biomes are the best!

  • Well-rounded biome mod

    This may be a biome-adding mod, but get ready for a whole bunch of items you didn't expect- this one is pretty well rounded and adds an awful lot. It can definitely feel a bit bloaty at times, but there's a lot of upside.

    The biomes themselves are innovative and fun to explore, except the mushroom biome (my opinion), which seems too repetitive to be interesting after a while. The swamps and volcanoes are some of my favorite. If that mushroom biome or anything else ends up being more common than you'd like it, you'll need to edit the mod settings.

    Plenty of feature-rich items, or nodes with a lot of aesthetic appeal, make this worth the "bloat". The crystal tools work like Silk Touch in Minecraft, as well as providing a good reason to find the rare Crystal biome. The added fishing api doesn't seem to fit the mod at first look, but it has differing drops per-biome (fitting it into ethereal's biomes nicely), multiple species of fish, and a few interesting food items. This mod also offers a way to make infinite mese, although it's tough enough that only an experienced user could make a proper farm (and they get big!).

    The mapgen is also quite light-weight compared to other biome adding mods. So - if you can handle the extra item count and like what you see - this is for you! Recommended.

  • Good biome mod but not without issues

    After years of playing various combinations of MTG+Ethereal+mods (on servers and some of my singleplayer worlds) I can give this mod 7/10. In my opinion it's the best (maintained and supported by some other mods) biome mod currently avaivable, but not without it's own issues.

    What I like:

    • Big amount of biomes (but not too big, that's just the amount you'd want to discover)
    • Big amount of items and tools too
    • Mostly looks in-place when comparing ethereal biomes to default ones (if playing without some mods, see What I don't like)
    • Not "Lets-Do-Minecraft-Out-Of-Minetest" genre (biomes are mostly exclusive for MT)
    • Doesn't only add new nodes but also makes use of previously unused ones (for example, default:dirt_with_dry_grass)

    What I don't like:

    • 32x and bigger sizes textures used (seriously, why 32x crystals are growing on 16x crystal moss?)
    • Works terrible with Farming Redo (combos of MTG+Ethereal+mods are mostly MTG+Ethereal+Farming Redo+mods. The thing is that Farming Redo only works on default biomes and to find plants you need to search for those, comparing bamboo biome to some default forest biome makes forest look like oasis with tomatoes, carrots, onions and litterally everything. This is weird because Farming Redo and Ethereal NG has the same maintainer, TenPlus1)
    • Touches other mods without a reason by default (for example, default. Ethereal makes leaves from default look plantlike, and it looks terrible when you have some tree mods installed like Moretrees which Ethereal doesn't know about; and so on...)
  • Too unbalanced

    I'm more than disappointed to see an old mod is still far from mature. The mod is overly unbalanced.

    1. Plotting the biomes into a Voronoi graph, I found that far to many biomes are stuck in the lower-left corner, while a few biomes like sakura stays all the way up, covering lots of area.
    2. The naming scheme is rather scheme, which means that only savanna is the only biome recognizable, and every time I start up a world I start in a savanna.
    3. Wild onions grow far too fast compared with other crops.
  • English

    Great mod for replacing the default biomes, but has issues... Or does it?

    This mod's biomes are great for replacing the default ones in minetest game, featuring great variety and looks. At the time of writing this, there are about 30, which include the nice banana grove biome, interesting fiery one, or the blue frost with blue trees and grass.

    It even adds some more food and items, like japanese food, a fishing rod, and even crystal tools, which are slightly better than diamond.

    However, it has some big issues. On example, I recommend you to disable the sakura and mushroom biomes, since they appear too often and the mushroom one looks disgusting.

    It also sometimes has inconsistently high-res textures on some blocks, which the author doesn't want to fix (I think I heard him saying that he's really proud of those textures, so doesn't want to remove them, but don't know the source)! This is an issue that many of 11's I mean TenPlus1's mods share, and it is infuriating. I'm planning to make a texture pack fixing this one day though.

    Well, but guess what? Tenplus1 actually invited me to replace the ultra realistic 4K HD textures of the mod! I was very excited, so I decided to help, and not only I got more comfortable with GIMP, but also finally fixed not only most of the ultra realistic textures, but also some others such as frost/healing trees and tested the new biome layout TenPlus1 decided to make in order to fix mushroom and sakura appearing too often. Enjoy!

    The conclusion is: this is a great mod for adding many more biomes and features, such as new tools, food and blocks, and doesn't have issues such as constant inconsistent textures or sakura and mushroom biomes everywhere.

  • A classic mod, brought to MT 5

    Ethereal NG is an absolutely classic mod, it's one of those things that you usually add to a minetest modded game right away because of just how simple it is and how much it adds.

    For specifics, my favourite parts of Ethereal are probably the biomes. I love exploration, and it's always a treat to go from a plain ol' grassland to something exciting, like a crystal biome. I also love the fishing mechanics in this game. The new items such as food and tools (not to mention nodes like bamboo wood, walls and all that jazz) expand upon parts of Minetest Game that I found to be lacking. Overall, this mod takes what makes Minetest Game not very fun and adds something new to make it fun.

  • Good, but has a problem with resolution

    I like the biomes, and most fit in with vanilla so well I have a hard time telling. But, every now and again you run into something with 32x texture resolution and it immediately ruins the immersion. I can only knock it so much though as it adds a lot of good stuff. My only other gripe is how it automatically overwrites leaves, but only it's own leaves and default. I always have to go and turn off the weird leaf settings.

  • Español

    Un mod indispensable.-

    Creo que es de lo mejor de Minetest, igualmente voto por bananas 3D. Estaría bueno agregar un vidrio de Crystal limpio y que la armadura sea resistente al fuego de antorchas. Creo que sería un buen cambio como sugerencia. Un saludo.-

  • It's pretty fun

    It definitely adds some nice variety, but if can also be a bit overwhelming with how it completely reshapes the world. Some biomes feel like they are more common than they should be (for example, the mushroom and sakura). Also, as someone else mentioned, the onions are a little OP - if you're farming for survival, you don't need any other crop.

  • Fantastic Biome Mod

    Thank you for this mod! I really enjoy the diversity of biomes that are added with this mod. It really can make a world colorful.

    I do have one question about this mod. When I enable this mod, torches deal damage. Is this intended for this mod? I find this to be unusual. Is there any way to disable this behavior?

    Again, thank you for the mod!

  • Lovingly beautiful

    I just fell in love when I tried this mod. It is just amazing. Whoa so many biomes on the dround,underground. And not to be kidding it looks great when you play using this on v5. it is splendid. I actually got the Shaolin temple like landscape when I went in the Bamboo forest and grew Sakura or cherry blossom trees there. It was a total wowscape.

    I have a suggestion too. Could you please add Banyan trees to the mod. Actually I like seeing them in real life, and dearly hope one day they would be in sandbox games like minetest too.

  • Makes the server very diverse in terms of biomes

    The added nodes, biomes and ores are a great enhancement, specially for MTG. I use at the Mercurio server and it is just great!

  • Amazing variety and feature additions

    This is a must-have for many servers.

    It would be nice if the Flight Potion had reduced fall damage and low gravity effects when it wore out though, as if it were a drug with a non-instantaneous falloff period.

  • 中文 (简体)


    增加的植物很有用,而且让Minetest game的自然界更漂亮了

  • English

    Beautiful biomes.

    I mostly love the fiery dirt and the crystal dirt. A must have mod for servers and singleplayer. It will change how you will play!

  • English

    Great for multi-player servers or singleplayer

    This mod adds so much content, I consider it a MUST on almost all MTG servers. There are just so many things I love about this mod, from biomes to new items and armors with 3d_armor mod.

    Great mod, Recommend!

  • English

    Torches shouldn't damage you

    I saw the github issue. Torches burning you may be realistic, but Trees also don't fall in this game when mined. Please reconsider this. Great mod except for this. I have died too much because of this.

  • YES

    Worlds are so huge that our home server uses several different biome adding mods, but Ethereal is the first and finest. Greyness especially is a treat, so restful. Etherium, illumishrooms and crystal spikes are all quite unique and add precious crafts. I have tried fiddling with the numbers to get giant mushrooms, dry savannas and sakura meadows less often, but greyness, mediterranean, simple forests and simple grassland more often, but wasn't really successful. X-craft recipes are invaluable.

    If anything bugs me it's this: WHERE did the fallen tree trunks go? Truly a matter of utmost importance! If they ever come back, how about a toppled giant redwood trunk, partly buried, here and there decomposed, some dry grass growing directly out of it?

  • Very good

    very high quality and i really like the textures

  • help

    i wonder if i update my old version of this with the new will it break my world

  • Realistic mod

    I really like this mod which provide a lot of news biomes and others blocks, and we have more building possibilities.

  • Better now that I know what caused the conflict

    Stonebrickdungeons is no longer maintained, so that's a moot point, in fact, I'm leaving it out of a project I've been working on.

    In short, I was whiney in my earlier revision, took me a bit to realize that


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