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For Luanti 5.0 and above

How do I install this?

Farming Redo uses a new realistic way of growing crops so that players can wander the map and have their farms grow in the background, or if you want some fast food you can use the Bonemeal mod to help speed things up.

New foods need only be planted directly onto tilled soil as no seeds are required. Previous seed-based crops like Wheat, Cotton, Barley, Oats and Rice still have seeds that can be found inside certain grass types.

You can also use this mod with MineClone.



Do you recommend this mod?

  • English

    conflicting design

    looking at this mod, a lot of the graphic assets do not seem to match each other, and in some cases even conflict with each other. however that said, this mod does aim to at least make mtg farming somewhat better as it has its own faults

  • Very good mod. Almost spoiled for choice.

    Adds just SO MANY kinds of crops to the game. It's a lot of fun to create large farms of such diverse crops. It adds a lot of depth to the game! As someone who really enjoyed the farming aspect of another block game, this is a very welcome addition.

    Some of them are very pretty! Onions, garlic, and tomatoes are prettier flowers than the flowers are!

    That being said, there are A LOT of crops, and A LOT of recipes for foods that can be created with the crops. At times it can seem overwhelming, especially if you just wanted to add a little depth to the stock farming.

    It seems that most crops spawn in most biomes, so it's not hard to get the full set. No long voyages of exploration to bring back a novel crop to farm.

  • Asset soup at its worst.

    One of the most confusing things about this community is the overwhelming usage of this mod. It's a prime example of the worst and yet most common trope of Minetest modding, bloat. It seems every mod has to be full to the brim with useless and low quality content, and while this does have unique features amongst farming mods, like pots and pans, or the terellis and bean poles that add an extra element to farming and cooking, it seems that in this pursuit of having a bunch of different foods and equipment hasn't left much time for making those foods worth the effort besides filling up a bar slightly more than something else, and that isn't even the worst part of this mod. The art is awful. From very familiar assets to the clashing of 32x and 16x textures, this mods art looks like something out of a 3rd grade arts and crafts class. This mod would greatly benefit from a pause on new content and a overhaul of all art assets, preferably assets that aren't stolen and modified.

  • Great variety of food and plants

    I love the variety of food and plants this mod offers. Even though you'll never need so many different foods, it's great to have them. It makes farming much more interesting and I'm sure everybody will find a food that suits their taste. So thanks for the great work!

  • Conflicting feelings

    I'd give this a neutral rating if I could.

    On the bright side, this mods adds a lot of functionality by expanding the amount of different crops drastically. It makes farming a lot more interesting that way.

    On the other side, it also does a lot of stuff I don't really want it to do. For example, it removes all of the different soil types from the normal farming mod and replaces them with just one. It also handles growth states differently and has different API functionality despite using the exact same name as the original farming mod. That's a compatibility nightmare because now I never know whether a mod expects the original mod or the redo or is okay with either one.

    Basically, my recommendation is to try it out and see for yourself whether you like it or not.

  • Awesome farming mod!

    I always had lots of fun by having all of my crops in Minetest.
    I totally recommend the mod if you're looking for more crops and farming stuff, it's super cool.

  • a simple farming mod

    this mod is good enough to have good interesting gameplay (even if only for 2 hours at max of making full farm ) but is not too bloated in order to not distract players from theyr primary goals with how to prepare food

  • Best Farming/Food mod

    Adds too many crops and food types, i recommend this for every survival server, it even includes popcorn! :O

  • Too many conflicts and missing assets

    This mods recipes shouldn't be dependant on other mods for its recipies since some players won't have those mods install and therefore makes it kind of useless for most items.

    Many of the recipies for the food items have missing assets (i.e. Unknown Item node) even with all of the required and optional dependencies installed. The art is inconsistent between 32px and 64px and I have seen some of the artwork in other mods that have low quality art. Some of the assets conflict heavily with moretrees and plantlife mods. It does have some unique items for cooking utensils, but it would have been better to test against other plant/food mods. This mods recipes shouldn't be dependant on other mods for its recipies since some players won't have those mods install and therefore makes it kind of useless for most items.

  • Bien

    Ce mod est cool et pratique pour plus de réaliste. Il y a aussi une grande diversité d'objets.

  • Pretty good

    Your mod is pretty good and I liked it as you added more than 15 different crops in minetest which are not even in minecraft and this mod attracted me to play minetest but I just had one request to make the melon and pumpkings grow from saplings bearing a fruit like they do in minecraft not like the saplings turn into melons and pumpkins. And please add muskmelons and mangoes.

  • English

    Greatly expands exploration (in terms of food)

    It's awesome to have so many plants and foods to check out, some even expensive and sophisticated like the burger.

    I understand the anger of others talking about it being useless because it just adds more ways to 'fill up a hunger bar'. Though, in my opinion, this adds a lot of variety and makes food making more interesting (however if you found your best food, everything else becomes useless).

    Though there are still some problems, like some textures being inconsistently high res (however it's not as bad as the Ethereal), like the vanilla flan, or some items not having many uses, like parsley. There's also a lack of documentation, which can make obtaining some items tricky (you can even see my thread here with the title 'How to get hemp?'). Lastly, there aren't mese and diamond hoes, you can't hold left click with them to continuosly hoe ground, and mithril scythe drops items on ground instead of putting them in the inventory. The Scythes and Sickles mod may be helpful if you don't like that, but I didn't fully check it out yet.

    But overall, this is a pretty decent mod if you want a big variety of foods added to your game.

  • The commonly used farming "solution" - but is it really a solution?

    The diverse selection of crops in this mod, combined with a plethora of food items, keeps you entertained for quite a while. Not all of the crops are so easy to find, so some of them double as collector's items :-)

    The texture style isn't top-notch or anything, but those textures have improved a lot in the past few years. There's a bigger problem though, which is simply that this mod doesn't have enough uses for it's items. Many of the crops only have a single usage, or some even have absolutely no usages, at the time of writing. For many users of the mod, there is absolutely no mechanic to encourage them to farm new crops, or to get new food items, because all these items work for the same purpose of effectively filling the food bar in different ways. So this mod can often play as more of a decoration mod than anything else in many servers, because there just aren't enough built-in usages for crops. I'd love to see this situation improve, but it's hard to know where to start. (more about that in the comments)

    I do recommend this though, because this is the most commonly used mod for farming, and for a reason - it's interesting enough to keep people expanding their farms for a while. X Farming is the other option I would recommend, and it's gaining popularity and useability, but both are a bit bloaty and a lot of items just don't have a lot of good uses. Pick your poison.

  • Great and useful mod for Minetest Game!

    Among the pluses of this mod I note the extensive collection of crops, some of them try to look for more) In conjunction with the mod "Scythes & Sickles", the aspect of growing crops in the original game is improved in times.

  • English

    This has lots of diferent crops

    I love this because there's so many diferent crops and just such a variety!

  • Perfect!

    The mod is good, but the textures are so-so. This mod can diversify the food in the world, as well as farming


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