- Drop in replacement for default stairs mod.
- Has many stairs registered for default and other mods.
- Has ability to make transparent stairs.
- Has ability to make glowing stairs.
- Has stair, slab, corners and slopes.
- Burnable stairs can be used as fuel.
- Uses old style placement feature and sneak key for copy rotation.
- 'stairs.glass_sides' setting to revert to older glass stair look.
Stairs Redo
Adds more stair types to Minetest.
Used By
ElCeejoAdds terrifying Dragons and powerful equipment.
SaKeLAdds many new biomes, items and blocks.
Ethereal NG
TenPlus1Adds many new biomes, items and mechanics into the world.
Techage Modpack
joe7575Go through five tech ages in search of wealth and power
WuzzyA decoration mod meant to be simple and well-featured (libre version).
Farming Redo
TenPlus1Adds many plants and food to Minetest
Good Mod
It would be nice if at a corner joint by placing another staircase it would automatically change to outer or inner block to adapt to the curve, like Minecraft does, that would save a lot of construction time without depending so much on the Moreblocks Saw.
Nice moreblocks alternative, even when you use moreblocks
If you don't want something so heavy and sophisticated as moreblocks, then this is a great mod, since it adds 3 nice types of slopes for the default game and mods that support it (such as other mods by TenPlus1, such as Ethereal, but don't worry, mods that are used to default stairs mod will still have normal stairs), but it also has other improvements, such as a different method of placement, which is pretty intuitive, especially if you didn't master the default way and know that sneak+place copies the rotation of the stair you're aiming at when enabling this mod!
You can also look at the other additions in the description and/or the README in the git. Overall though, this is a great drop-in replacement for the default stairs mod, probably a must-have.
Adds a lot of design variety
But it unfortunately spams errors in the chat and in debug.txt using Minetest 5.5.0 due to a deprecation change in the main game.
Good mod
but some related troubles
I find this easier to place stairs and it has slopes and actual glass and glowing stairs.