Lord Textures by varttist
Описание // Description
RU: Этот текстурпак предназначен для игры LORD, основанной на Lord Of The Test (by Amaz).
ENG: This texture pack is for the game LORD, based on Lord Of The Test (by Amaz).
Перечень крупных изменений // List of major changes
- Ground textures;
- Ores textures;
- Tools and crossbows textures;
- Meat textures;
- Leaves textures;
Права // Copyright
RU: Все текстуры распроняются под лицензией CC-BY-SA-4.0.
ENG: All textures are distributed under the CC-BY-SA-4.0 license.
Great evolving texturepack
With these textures, the LOTT and LORD games look much more harmonious and uniform. The size of 16 pixels allows you to play comfortably on a low end device