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For Luanti 5.9 and above

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VoxelForge is an un-official MineCraft clone. This was forked from MineClonia 0.102.0 as well as some stuff from Voxelibre 0.81.0.

Version: Beta 1.6.0

Advantages Over Mineclonia

  • More minecraft like font.
  • bubble columns.
  • Different Chat hud.
  • Different Vaults.
  • Bundles.
  • FireFlies.
  • Procedural Structures.
  • Breeze.
  • Bogged.
  • Pale Garden.
  • Trial Chambers.
  • Trial Spawners.
  • MC mob rejects.
  • Firefly bush.
  • Better wind charges.
  • Music.
  • Structure Block.
  • Datapacks.

Disadvantages compared to MineClonia.

  • Maybe less stable in some areas.
  • More cpu usage due to stuff like procedural structures and music.
  • May have longer delays in certain bugfixes.


You start in a randomly-generated world made entirely of cubes. You can explore the world and dig and build almost every block in the world to create new structures. You can choose to play in a “survival mode” in which you have to fight monsters and hunger for survival and slowly progress through the various other aspects of the game, such as mining, farming, building machines, and so on Or you can play in “creative mode” in which you can build almost anything instantly.

Gameplay summary

  • Sandbox-style gameplay, no goals
  • Survive: Fight against hostile monsters and hunger
  • Mine for ores and other treasures
  • Magic: Gain experience and enchant your tools
  • Use the collected blocks to create great buildings, your imagination is the limit
  • Collect flowers (and other dye sources) and colorize your world
  • Find some seeds and start farming
  • Find or craft one of hundreds of items
  • Build a railway system and have fun with minecarts
  • Build complex machines with redstone circuits
  • In creative mode you can build almost anything for free and without limits

How to play (quick start)

Getting started

  • Punch a tree trunk until it breaks and collect wood
  • Place the wood into the 2×2 grid (your “crafting grid” in your inventory menu) and craft 4 wood planks
  • Place the 4 wood planks in a 2×2 shape in the crafting grid to make a crafting table
  • Rightclick the crafting table for a 3×3 crafting grid to craft more complex things
  • Use the crafting guide (book icon) to learn all the possible crafting recipes
  • Craft a wooden pickaxe so you can dig stone
  • Different tools break different kinds of blocks. Try them out!
  • Continue playing as you wish. Have fun!


  • Find seeds
  • Craft a hoe
  • Rightclick dirt or a similar block with a hoe to create farmland
  • Place seeds on farmland and watch them grow
  • Collect plants when fully grown
  • If near water, farmland becomes wet and speeds up growth


  • Craft a furnace
  • The furnace allows you to obtain more items
  • Upper slot must contain a smeltable item (example: iron ore)
  • Lower slot must contain a fuel item (example: coal)
  • See tooltips in crafting guide to learn about fuels and smeltable items

Additional help

More help about the gameplay, blocks items and much more can be found from inside the game. You can access the help from your inventory menu.

Special items

The following items are interesting for Creative Mode and for adventure map builders. They can not be obtained in-game or in the creative inventory.

  • Barrier: vlf_core:barrier

Use the /giveme chat command to obtain them. See the in-game help for an explanation.


This game requires Minetest to run (version 5.9 or later). So you need to install Minetest first. Only stable versions of Minetest are officially supported. There is no support for running VoxelForge in development versions of Minetest. If you have issues in dev versions, then we will attempt to reproduce them in stable versions, and if we can't then the issue will be closed, and it will be looked into at the next release.

To install VoxelForge (if you haven't already), move this directory into the “games” directory of your Minetest data directory. Consult the help of Minetest to learn more.

The VoxelForge repository is hosted at Github. To contribute or report issues, head there.

Project description

The main goal of VoxelForge is to be a very close but stable and performant Minecraft clone. released as free software.

  • We try to clone Minecraft as well as Minetest currently permits without resorting to hacks which are too heavyweight or complicated to maintain
  • Cloning the gameplay has highest priority.
  • VoxelForge will use different graphics and sounds, but with a similar style

Completion status

This game is currently in Beta stage. It is playable, but not yet feature-complete. Backwards-compatibility is not guaranteed, updating your world might cause bugs and things to behave differently.

The following main features are available:

  • Tools, weapons
  • Armor
  • Crafting system: 2×2 grid, crafting table (3×3 grid), furnace, including a crafting guide
  • Chests, large chests, ender chests, shulker boxes
  • Furnaces, hoppers
  • Hunger
  • Most monsters and animals
  • All ores from Minecraft
  • Most blocks in the overworld
  • Water and lava
  • Weather
  • 28 biomes + 5 Nether Biomes
  • The Nether, a fiery underworld in another dimension
  • Redstone circuits (partially)
  • Minecarts (partial)
  • Status effects (partial)
  • Experience
  • Enchanting
  • Brewing, potions, tipped arrow (partial)
  • Boats
  • Fire
  • Buidling blocks: Stairs, slabs, doors, trapdoors, fences, fence gates, walls
  • Clock
  • Compass
  • Sponge
  • Slime block
  • Small plants and saplings
  • Basic Procedural Structures.
  • Firefly Bush.
  • Wind Charges.
  • Wildflowers.
  • Dyes
  • Banners
  • Deco blocks: Glass, stained glass, glass panes, iron bars, hardened clay (and colors), heads and more
  • Item frames
  • Jukeboxes
  • Beds
  • Inventory menu
  • Creative inventory
  • Farming
  • Writable books
  • Commands
  • Villages
  • The End
  • Music
  • Basic Datapacks
  • And more!

The following features are incomplete and might change in the future:

  • Some monsters and animals
  • Redstone-related things
  • Special minecarts
  • A couple of non-trivial blocks and items

Bonus features (not found in Minecraft):

  • Built-in crafting guide which shows you crafting and smelting recipes
  • Fireflies
  • In-game help system containing extensive help about gameplay basics, blocks, items and more
  • Fully moddable (thanks to Minetest's powerful Lua API)
  • Bookshelves can be used to store books
  • Nether portals can be created with custom shapes
  • New blocks and items:
    • Lookup tool, shows you the help for whatever it touches
    • More slabs and stairs
    • Nether Brick Fence Gate
    • Red Nether Brick Fence
    • Red Nether Brick Fence Gate

Technical differences from Minecraft:

  • Height limit of ca. 31000 blocks (much higher than in Minecraft)
  • Horizontal world size is ca. 62000×62000 blocks (much smaller than in Minecraft, but it is still very large)
  • Still incomplete and buggy
  • Blocks, items, enemies and other features are missing
  • Structure replacements - these small variants of Minecraft structures serve as replacements until we can get large structures working:
    • Woodland Cabin (Mansion)
    • Nether Outpost (Fortress)
    • Ocean Temple (Monument)
    • Nether Bulwark (Bastion)
    • End Shipwreck & End Boat (End City)
    • Ancient Hermitage (Ancient City)
  • A few items have slightly different names to make them easier to distinguish
  • Different music for jukebox
  • Different textures (Pixel Perfection)
  • Different sounds (various sources)
  • Different engine (Minetest)
  • Different easter eggs

… and finally, VoxelForge is free software

Other readme files




Do you recommend this game?

  • English

    Buggy (in Beta) but with heaps of potential

    Still buggy (for instance trying to bring up the crafting guide recipe for the basic crafting table crashed my game). Still needs more time I think before you can dedicate a full playthrough to it. However I did want to touch on the worldgen, because I think VoxelForge has nailed it. Absolutely beautiful worlds that either meet the standards set by Minecraft (imo) or maybe even exceed it (also imo). Truly gorgeous. If the worldgen is any indication of the level of quality the devs are trying to bring to this fork, then it gets my undivided support. Ive played the other two big MC clones (both of which are excellent products that stand as a testament to FOSS), but this is the one that captured the Minecraft "magic" to me. Exploring the worlds in VF is a real treat. All in all I will be watching the progress made on this very carefully and I wish the devs all the luck in the world in advancing the project - you're off to a good start imo.

  • English

    Has that quality and wonderous feeling

    I completely agree with kefirkommando on this, this is the first Minecraft-like Luanti game whose world generation I truly enjoy, and it feels wonderful to explore. This is subjective, but the world generation feels far more suited and intended for the player building in it, than other Luanti games. Personally, it feels like the world isn't endless slopes and wide broad terrain like I've gotten tired of, but a collection of properly varied biomes, that each have different width and scales, there's variety and wonder. I might be wrong, but regardless, it just feels right. The game feels very solid and wholistic to me as well. The textures are gorgeous, the sounds are so pleasant.

    It does still have some issues, like the crafting guide not working, and e.g. items visually lagging behind where you place them in the inventory (at least on mobile), but its alright, and the crafting guide thing seems to have been patched and will be available in the next release build.



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