Community Hub - NodeCore by Warr1024
See moreRecently Added
Just a Mountain
DeadlockAdds a Mountain (4000x2000 blocks large, 1000 blocks tall)during worldgen around a configurable position
GigaByteadd 3d accessories
Click Speed Detector
TomlausA mod that ensures you can only place a node every 0.16 seconds. It is intended for servers to counter players using auto-clickers.
NodeCore Flood
HussellWater floods caves
Recently Updated
Just a Mountain
DeadlockAdds a Mountain (4000x2000 blocks large, 1000 blocks tall)during worldgen around a configurable position
NB More Concrete
NameNotQualityAdds more concrete to NodeCore
ApolloXFor tracking what ores are around the player.
GigaByteadd 3d accessories
Top Mods
Lava Stuff
LandarVarganAdds lava armor, tools, and blocks
Hammer Of Power
LandarVarganAdds a steel hammer and the powerful version that you can create from it.
Doomsday Device
Warr1024The pinnacle of explosives mods
NodeCore Cats
Warr1024Add adorable cats to NodeCore
NodeCore Luminous Tools
Winter94New light sources for NodeCore
NodeCore Stairs
Warr1024Adds an assortment of stairs and slabs to NodeCore
Just a Mountain
DeadlockAdds a Mountain (4000x2000 blocks large, 1000 blocks tall)during worldgen around a configurable position
ApolloXFor tracking what ores are around the player.
Top Texture Packs
NodeCore Improved
Warr1024Improved textures for NodeCore (Community Edition)
Winter94A stark and detailed texture pack for NodeCore
WinterCore -Dark-
Winter94Dark and bold textures for NodeCore by WintersKnight94
WinterCore -Thra-
Winter9432x32 Nodecore textures Inspired by the world of Thra, from The Dark Crystal.
WinterCore -Detailed-
Winter94Custom 32x32 Nodecore textures by Wintersknight
NodeCore Regression Pack
Warr1024The Comic Sans of NodeCore Textures
WinterCore -Vibrant-
Winter94Custom Nodecore textures by Wintersknight
WinterCore -Dwemer-
Winter94Dwemer Themed 32x32 Nodecore textures by Wintersknight