Splink storeage allows you to store massive amounts of 1 item in an item. At the moment splinks do not have crafting recipies. They can be obtained from the creative menu. This is my first luanti mod.
Spink - can hold 1,000 items
Big Splink - can hold 7,500 items
Mega Splink - can hold 40,000 items
Insane Splink - can hold 500,000 items
Endless Splink - can hold 10 trillion items
How to use
Left click: Opens a GUI to allow you to deposit and take items from Splink
Right click: If splink is holding nodes, a node from the splink is placed at the position you are looking at.
Things to improve
Add crafting recipies
Add unique textures for each splink
Automaticly put items inside spinks on item pickup
Split up code
Let me know if you have any sugestions