Splink Storage

Adds items that can store massive amounts of other items in your inventory

Storage Survival

Download (6 KB)
For Luanti 5.11-dev and above

How do I install this?

Splink storeage allows you to store massive amounts of 1 item in an item. At the moment splinks do not have crafting recipies. They can be obtained from the creative menu. This is my first luanti mod.


Spink - can hold 1,000 items

Big Splink - can hold 7,500 items

Mega Splink - can hold 40,000 items

Insane Splink - can hold 500,000 items

Endless Splink - can hold 10 trillion items

How to use

Left click: Opens a GUI to allow you to deposit and take items from Splink

Right click: If splink is holding nodes, a node from the splink is placed at the position you are looking at.

Things to improve

  • Add crafting recipies

  • Add unique textures for each splink

  • Automaticly put items inside spinks on item pickup

  • Split up code

Let me know if you have any sugestions



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