The texture pack is 32 colors only, more exactly the ones in the Zughy32 palette. Also, the default pack is more than five times lighter than the original!
Officially provides
- Baked Clay (no ornated patterns)
- Beds
- Bones
- Bucket
- Carts
- Default
- Doors
- Flowers
- NextGen Bows
- player_api
- Wool
- (chess only) X-Decor-libre
Other mods done by contributors (that maybe someday I'll tweak)
- (partly) 3D Armor
- Butterflies
- Dye
- Fire
- Fireflies
- (partly) Mesecons
- Screwdriver
- Stairs
- Tnt
- Vessels
- Xpanes
You can try the texture pack by joining the server A.E.S.
Most stylish texture pack for Minetest
Unique and unified look and feel
This texture pack probably has the most artistic flair out of any Minetest texture pack. It helps that Zughy is the real deal when it comes to pixel art. It makes Minetest feel like its own not just like a Minecraft clone. Soothing 32 is the perfect name for it too, it's bright and cheerful, feels both contemporary and reminescent of classic games on the SNES. No textures feel out of place or badly designed.
Now if only we could force Zughy to include textures for popular mods like Ethereal...and well...every other popular mod out there...then we'd be set!
A strong, well-executed design
When I look at most texture packs, they either stick so close to the source material that they don't offer much, or try to do something unique but end with a poor execution. Soothing 32 manages to assert itself as a unique art direction and look good while doing so. The simplified designs and shared palette give off a fluffy cartoon look that I really enjoy.
Definitely worth a try!
Awesome in every situation.
I've been using this texture since it's release and it's perfect to play standard MTG and also on the servers. At first it seems a little bit too bright but after 2 minutes you start loving it.
Original art style, but very good
textures are unified and looks very good
Simple and looks great
This texture isn't need a very good gamer computer it is run in my RPI too :) i use that texture every time (when i can) Thanks for created this :)
Soothing indeed
Can't believe I haven't tried this one sooner. Spent like an hour just looking at my game, not even doing anything. hahaha. This texture pack, a nice spot in some pine forest, some ambient mobs, and some music - that's all I need to feel at ease.
Best texture pack
I kind of like this texture pack. It is awesome, lightweight, stylish and truly vibrant. The light colours in the game truly amaze me. Everytime I see the world with your textures enabled, it feels really beautiful. If I conduct some really wierd lua mapgen experiments, your mods turn that experiment into a masterpiece. Hence strongly recommended if anyone plays mtg.
Nice and cartoony looking
This is a texture pack for those who are bored of the Minecraft-esque look and want something that looks like a cartoon. It's got warm colors that are pleasing and vibrant and very visually distinct.
Only complaint is that water surfaces are no longer translucent, but that's about it.
Simple yet elegant
This texture pack is very simplistic, consequently sticking to a rather small and lucid palette. Yet everything is well-recognizable. Minetest Game support is very good, which allows this texture pack to completely change the look & feel of many MTG-based games. If you haven't yet, you must try this out!
Love this!
This is the only texture I tried that has a strong identity: it doesn't look like any other texture pack and I love it.
Excellent use of beautiful colors!
I really like the way the colors are used, as well as the colors themselves. The textures are simple yet very beautiful and particular (something rare here on minetest, where people tend to make noisy textures that I really don't like).
Best Texture Pack ever!
That's the best Texture pack, which I have ever seen! All in this pack looks very nice and cute! (The hoe isn't in the texture pack! :D )
Flawless texture pack
It's the texture pack I always run when playing minetest. The colors are well balanced and they give a nice sense of harmony to the overall look of the engine. Also it gives a nice fresh look to the engine and not the same old stuff that often people do.
Great texture pack!
Well, sometimes less is more :)
I LOVE this pack! It makes the game feel so much more natural. Could you add support for Tomahawks and Throwing Knives?
The best texture pack I've tried
This texture pack is simply amazing. It gives Minetest a fresh look, even looks like a different game, and they all work well together (the textures fit). It's amazing what you can do with just 32 colours, although that does limit my one annoyance: Extra Biomes (mod), which is one of the only biome mods I use, and the textures are still the default ones. With only 3 colours of green I know it won't be supported but the grass looks out of place in a Soothing 32 world. Also could the silver and mithril from More Ores be supported so the tools look similar to the default ones included in the texture pack?
Other than that, I say this is fantastic, and you are a very good pixel artist!
A very beautifull and cute Texture pack
Who said that the simplicity is not good? :D This texture pack is VERY nice and cute and most important, also a potato can run it :D
Very beautifull! A "must have" inside the installed mods on my machine!
Well done Texturepack, very clean.
I allowed myself to extend the Texturepack for myself for certain mods namely the Biome mods by runs : Cool Trees ,swaz , redw, rainf aswell a majority of VanessaEs Plantlife
However i did not limit myself to your colorpalette since the diversity of new content would also need a greater diversity of colors. Needless to say i am not as good an artist as you . Nevertheless if you do not mind, i would share the extension.
Perfect for PvP
Great texture pack
I love this texture pack. It's so, well, soothing!
A good & smooth texture pack, i recommend it for people who get low FPS, i prefer using default one because im very used to it tho :þ
Cool Style
Not bad! I love this minimalistic!