This is the greatest piece of human ingenuity mankind has to offer, no other worldly possessions matter more than "'Amogus Plushie' by aSliceOfCake". One small issue, however, it seems that placing amoguses around a certain node (or in this case, around an amogus) as demonstrated by the following image would mess up the ground lighting (?) of the amogus in the center
This is the Magnum Opus of Humanity
This is the greatest piece of human ingenuity mankind has to offer, no other worldly possessions matter more than "'Amogus Plushie' by aSliceOfCake". One small issue, however, it seems that placing amoguses around a certain node (or in this case, around an amogus) as demonstrated by the following image would mess up the ground lighting (?) of the amogus in the center
cute sussy plushies
lots of colors and i have a collection of them :P (ppl mix sussy with my name so ig im one of the amoguses too lol) + theyre so cute :3
Super cute!
I love this mod. i think its my fav mod yet!!
It looks nice, I'll try it later :)
Very cute :3
Those amongus plushies are very cute i suggest more plushies Good Job :)
(In seriousness tho: It's cute, although I wish there were more colors.)
(EDIT: There are multiple colors now, cool.)