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How do I install this?

Building blocks:

  • Amethyst
  • Basalt, block and brick
  • Calcite, block and brick
  • Checkerboard block
  • Tinted glass, visually transparent but blocks light



Do you recommend this mod?

  • My dream came true !

    I really like the MC geodes and I wanted sooooo having the same in my Minetest server. Now, it's the case ! I'm happy !!! Juste a little improvement to do : they deserve more light, these geodes are too dark, for me.

  • Works great, truly beautiful

    I'd rank these geodes above Minecraft's any day of the week. And the nodes this brings are really nice. The geodes are so many sizes it's hard to believe as well, though that is more of a feature of the geodes_lib mod.


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