Molten Sailor for Mineclonia
Boat for sailing on lava, and armor for diving in lava.
Adaptations of Minetest Game mod Boats, and Spacesuit mod by Thomas Rudin / Buckaroo Banzay
Adapted to Mineclonia by bgstack15
See license.txt for license information.
Boat Controls
These are slightly different from regular boats in Mineclonia!
Right mouse button = Enter or exit boat when pointing at boat.
Forward = Speed up. Slow down when moving backwards.
Forward + backward = Enable cruise mode: Boat will accelerate to maximum forward speed and remain at that speed without needing to hold the forward key.
Backward = Slow down. Speed up when moving backwards. Disable cruise mode.
Left = Turn to the left. Turn to the right when moving backwards.
Right = Turn to the right. Turn to the left when moving backwards.