Quarry Link [quarry_link]
By gabriel1379
This mod links the mod Quarry Mechanics ContentDB Source with other mods, to make its mechanics usable with the stone-type and resource nodes of those too.
Currently supported mods:
Currently supported features:
- The resource nodes from the above mods will behave according to Quarry Mechanics (will turn to cobble and fall after being mined).
- Everness: Most stones, stairs, slabs and blocks can now be quarried/pickaxed/mortarred normally with Quarry tools, like their default variants. However, some lack the required variants (e.g. cobble, brick, or block), so some operations may not be possible with some nodes yet; dummy images may also appear.
- Technic:
- Granite and Marble can now be quarried/pickaxed/mortarred normally with Quarry tools, like their default variants.
- Replaced
in machine crafting recipes that required the former (LV compressor, LV generator).