Candles 3D

Place candles in world. Add, remove or taint candles from placed nodes

Building Decorative

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How do I install this?

This mod is inspired by candles from another voxel game.

You can put candles in world, add remove or taint candles from an already existing node.

How to

Add up to five candles in a node using candles from stack.

Remove them from world by digging candles in node one after the other.

Minetest game / default

There is only one availabe item in survival, and one for all colors in creative.

Craft it:

  • Require petz or/and bees mods installed
  • Needs give privileges or creative server
  • without those modes leaves and string will provide a backup for blue candle
  • bad recipe as it is not supposed to be accessible in inventory
  • Colorize candles only in world with dyes: one node needs 1 dye (1 dye -> up to 5 candles)


you can add master candles item in any candle node without losing dying.

master candles is the only one you can get in inventory


you can any candles item in any candle node without losing node dying, but you'll lose item dying.

Pie mod

This mod now enhances pie all default cakes present in this mod can now be covered with a candle.

  • Right-click on an unbitten cake with a candle to transform it into a candle cake.
  • Change candle color with dyes used on the cake
  • Bitting the cake will give back the candle

Interaction are very limited, but it's cute

Mineclone 2

Recipe depends on wip honey branch

Dying is done per candle

  • in world if node contains only 1 candle
  • from creative inventory via recipes

In world you can only add candles with same dying to a candle node


  • screwdriver seems to be somehow needed
  • "farming:string" item is mandatory to offer recipe
  • one of or both petz, bees mods to finalise the recipe

I tried to be game agnostic but it seems hard to achieve

Under MIT Licence



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