This mod adds various types of sea decorations spread across biomes.
- Minetest 5.0.0+
- Minetest_game 5.0.0+
Recommended mods
- lootchests_modpack, Adds rare treasure chests and barrels to the ocean
- shipwrecks, Adds configurable and lootable shipwrecks
All code is licensed under GPLv3 link to the license
Kelp on_place() code is copied from minetest_game, copyright Various Minetest developers and contributors (LGPLv2.1+)
All resources are licensed under CC BY 4.0 link to the license
Excellent mod
Spectacular when you plant them and they don't take up an entire block. I wonder if you could do that to submerge stairs, slabs, doors, beds or the microblocks from moreblocks. It would be amazing like in MC. Greetings.-