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For Luanti 5.8 and above

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Explore a world where light is sparse and darkness consumes the poor souls who are trapped within it. Scavenge the surface for lootblocks and fight with monsters... or stay inside a little bunker messing with the stock market and the government.

The goal of this project is to create a game with a small file size but a good amount of features.



AUX1 is reserved for offhanding, you can only offhand lanterns.


LMB to shoot the spell
RMB to cast the spell on yourself


Dying will cost you $500 and take one of your lives away. When you die without any lives left, your items will be put into a gravestone where you died.
The darkness will hurt you if you stay in it for too long.

Basic Magic


These runes can be used to make spells:

  • (Support) Health instantly heals the subject
  • (Support) Regeneration gives the subject the regenerating status effect
  • (Movement) Teleportation teleports the user
  • (Movement) Launching launches the subject into the air
  • (Movement) Levitation gives the subject the levitating status effect
  • (Attack) Fireball deals damage to the subject and gives them the burning status effect
  • (Attack) Poison gives the subject the poisoned status effect
  • (Attack) Vampirism takes health from the subject and gives health to the user

These runes are used for enchanting clothing/weapons

  • (Support) Defense defense bonus when worn. cannot be used on weapons
  • (Support) Iridescence stealth bonus at the cost of defense when worn. cannot be used on weapons
  • (Offense) Darkness weapons enchanted with this will do more damage in the dark
  • (Offense) Light weapons enchanted with this will do more damage and heal the user. defense bonus when worn, stealth debuff when worn, makes wearer weaker to the darkness
  • (Offense) Blood weapons enchanted with this will do a lot of damage but also damage the user. does not work if user is not wearing any clothing with this enchantment. defense debuff when worn
  • (Special) Moon weapons enchanted with this will do a lot of damage but also damage the user. defense debuff when worn, also protects against the darkness when worn
  • (Special) Sun weapons enchanted with this will do more damage. defense bonus when worn, stealth debuff when worn, also protects against the darkness when worn

Rings can be made using 3 super ore and 1 magic crystal, they can then be enchanted with any given rune to give the following improvements when worn:

  • Health increases the health gained
  • Regeneration increases the duration of regeneration
  • Teleportation increases the range of portals
  • Launching !!! no effect !!!
  • Levitation increases the duration of levitation
  • Fireball increases the damage dealt
  • Poison increases the duration of poisoning
  • Vampirism increases the amount of health gained/damage dealt

Cloaks can be found in lootblocks or bought through the tradeinator, they give a small defense bonus and 2 rune levels in comparison to rings which give no defense bonus and only give 1 level. Totems can be found in dungeons and can be enchanted with a rune to give 1 level to every player.

Monsters & Animals

A list of monsters will not be included because it's funny to see people's first reaction to some of them.


Currently, the following animals are implemented:

  • 'Gull tameable, weak and slow, does not attack
  • Magic 'Gull tameable, indestructable, does not attack, right click to get a magic shard
  • Raging 'Gull tameable, kills any monster whether or not the monster is tamed
  • Surface (above y0): weaker monsters, only place to find Regular 'Gulls
  • Caves (y0): monsters are still rather weak but are more abundant, Raging 'Gulls likely
  • Deep Caves (y-100): stronger monsters, weaker monsters less likely, Raging 'Gulls and Magic 'Gulls likey
  • Deeper Caves (y-200): very strong monsters likely, Raging 'Gulls and Magic 'Gulls very likely

To Do


Features that are no longer on the todo list because they have been implemented.

  • Crafting guide and/or custom crafting system
  • Balancing
    • Make darkness more forgiving
    • Weapons are no longer spammable
  • More sophisticated magic system
    • Applying runes to weapons
    • Cloaks, special stat bonuses
  • Diversify gameplay to allow more viable play styles
    • Runes which can change the dynamics of combat
    • Functioning economy

Planned Features

Features you can expect to see in upcoming updates.

  • More dialogue for NPCs
  • More triggerable events
  • More tower related features
    • Shrines or "sub-towers" which can change the dynamics of gameplay
    • More monsters that only show up after certain tower milestones are reached
    • Possibly unique events that can only be triggered once

Maybe Features

Features that I want to implement but might be scrapped depending on the direction this project takes.

  • Bossfight(s)
  • Give some kind of use to souls
  • Optimize economy simulation
  • Make economy menues more responsive

Hopes & Dreams

Features I'd love to see in Unlit, but are probably never gonna happen cuz I'm lazy.

  • Gigantic bosses
  • Omniscient trolling algorithm that adapts to the way the players play the game
  • Custom mapgen



Do you recommend this game?

  • English

    Clever retro-themed fun

    It's like you stepped inside an old ZX Spectrum game; It's weird, it's clever, it's highly original. I like the eye monsters, it's fun to have a tame one following you around.

    I did have trouble with darkness damaging me now and then when I was holding a lamp in a cave, there should probably be a delay before darkness damages you so flickering caused by standing close to cave walls doesn't injure you. ( Edit: This was actually caused a mob stuck inside a wall I would pass by on occasion) I also missed some way to store objects in the world, I tried stuffing various things into the crafting grid (boy do I hate the crafting grid) but nothing useful popped out. A way to trash things you don't want would be nice, too, but the common inventory pane helped. (Edit: I discovered the storage box later, and now there's a crafting guide so it's obvious now)

    All in all, a fun project, and one to watch!



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