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For Luanti 5.10 and above

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An original sandbox game for the 2024 Luanti game jam and beyond, inspired loosely by space exploration games and mods such as Galacticraft, No Man's Sky, Nodeverse, doctor4t's Minecraft space mod, etc. Focuses more on building and voxelly stuff, not quite so much exploration and collecting.

All code by theidealist except a few basic libraries (see the license file for details), most media borrowed from Minetest Game and Mineclonia although I intend to make unique textures once the game jam is over.

Requires at least Luanti/Minetest 5.10.0.


  • 16 star systems containing a total of 60 unique planets, whose attributes are generated procedurally per world
  • Some basic resources and decoration nodes to be gathered
  • A skybox system showing the positions of the other planets and stars
  • Constructible spacecraft that can be used to fly around and go into space (unfinished)
  • Weather and environmental hazards


  • A basic spacecraft spawned with the player, giving a sort of starting tutorial to repair and refuel the spacecraft and build an impulse engine for it
  • Derelict space stations and starships in space, which can be claimed and renovated
  • Impulse engines for travelling between planets, and warp drives in starships for travelling between stars
  • Space battles and multiplayer support



Do you recommend this game?

  • English

    The beginning of something

    I don't agree with the rest of the reviewers on this one, I don't think it deserves the negativity, even if not full of content, it's a functional original game

    Stellua is a great start and has lots of potential, the main mechanics are present, you can travel from one planet to other, and there's a bit of variety even if there's not a lot of detail. Your spaceship is maneuverable and moddable, and most important, is functional.

  • English

    Could be fun

    You can travel to different planets and collect stuff and craft some items. Learning how to land the spacecraft took a minute, as the instructions were not clear on that at all. There is no craftguide, but there are some odd buildings on the planets with what appears to be some sort of crafting grid, no idea what they are used for. Going into space makes the planets go a little funny. I think I was clipping into the graphic for one at one point while playing.

  • English

    WIP game with promise, but currently unplayable

    This is a space exploration game I guess, but it's hard to figure out what to do to start. You start the game in a small rocket, but you have to figure out that you can use the up/down keys to lower your rocket and explore, which I didn't understand and died a few times :-) Sadly, the rocket also threw me out of it and killed me several times, so there might be a problem with the attaching there.

    Once you get out of the rocket and onto land, there's not a lot to do other than explore and perhaps make some makeshift tools and mine. But no real purpose other than that. That said, the rocket abilities are pretty cool and the game definitely shows promise. The biomes are cool too! A tier system where a player needs to work to have the materials needed to go to another planet might be cool, with the final planet offering some sort of interesting finish.

  • English

    Innovate sandbox with lots of potential

    This is an innovative sandbox game, even though it's currently similar to e.g. MTG in terms of items and crafting. You can travel to different planets and meet different environments, resources, mapgen, etc. in your modular spaceship, which is really cool and makes exploration a big part of the game.

    Even though this game is now probably still in its WIP phase, it is still playable and has lots of potential (look at the planned features list on example)

  • English

    Big Empty Sandbox?

    The concept (explore different star systens and planets) sounds exciting on paper but in practice I get bored very fast. I'm really sorry, that's just how it is. :-(

    OK, sure, this game has a large number of worlds and star systems to choose from but … I don't really have a reason to explore. Sure, I get different metals and plants and stuff but I don't really know what do to with it. And sadly, most planets feel the same.

    Maybe I'm just too arrogant to find the fun part of the game but the game doesn't show me where the fun is.

    I think the reason is the game suffers from the "Big Empty Sandbox" problem as described by Jim-Stephanie Sterling. The game advertises how "big" it is and that may be true but the problem is, there aren't many interesting things you can do in the big sandbox, the big worlds quickly repeat themselves. The sandbox may be big, but it also feels empty. Which is poison for any sandbox game. Good sandbox games allow you to do stuff. Lots of stuff.

  • English

    Good idea, but not playable

    Good idea, but unplayable because when i was going up with shift + space, the games teleports me somewhere and make me loose control of the ship, i tried getting back by jumping on the seat, but it doesn't work. Then i got out and i fell in the space.

  • English

    Prototype Space Exploration Game

    This is very much a prototype, with bugs and not much direction as to what to do or how to do it. The procedural generation is very basic, and I can't even travel to the other planets, perhaps due to a bug.

  • English

    Poor UI and graphicly painful

    The inventory formspec does not work after looking at a star system. The textures are kinda painful to look at... The concept is intriguing though.

  • English

    Fun idea, interesting mechanics

    This game is interesting to play, although the spaceship doesn't seem to work as expected. You just get yeeted out and fall to your death. Cool textures though for the nodes.

    Also got an error when I left the game. Not breaking but thought I'd put it here until it's fixed.

    AsyncErr: Lua: Runtime error from mod 'stl_core' in callback environment_Step(): ...ithub/luanti2/bin/../games/stellua/mods/stl_core/sky.lua:87: bad argument #1 to 'get_slot_info' (table expected, got nil)
    stack traceback:
        [C]: in function 'get_slot_info'
        ...ithub/luanti2/bin/../games/stellua/mods/stl_core/sky.lua:87: in function <...ithub/luanti2/bin/../games/stellua/mods/stl_core/sky.lua:73>
        ...samuel/Github/luanti2/bin/../builtin/common/register.lua:26: in function <...samuel/Github/luanti2/bin/../builtin/common/register.lua:12>
  • English

    Goal unclear, gameplay too much WIP

    I understand the author put an improvised tutorial in the inventory as they were running out of time, but still the goal of the game remains a mystery to me - to be clear: I haven't read the whole description, as games should be pretty self explanatory inside the game. I.. don't think there's a lot to judge, it seems some sort of incredibly WIP No Man's Sky



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