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For Luanti 5.0 and above

How do I install this?

Enhance your Minetest gameplay with a dynamic sprinting mechanic! Activate sprinting with a double-tap of the forward key, and enjoy speed boosts, particle effects, and FOV changes. Compatible with popular hunger and stamina systems.


  • Double-tap W (or forward key) to sprint.
  • Adjustable speed and jump multipliers.
  • Hunger/stamina drain mechanics (supports stamina, hunger_ng, and hbhunger).
  • Ground requirement toggle.
  • Customizable particle effects and FOV transitions.


  • Minetest 5.0+
  • Required Mods:
    • default
    • player_api

Recommended Mods

If you want to complement the mod with a hunger(stamina) system, consider installing:

  • stamina
  • hunger_ng
  • hbhunger

How to Use

  • Activation: Double-tap the W key (or your configured forward key).
  • Effects:
    • Speed and jump boosts while sprinting.
    • FOV increases smoothly for a "fast" feel.
    • Particles spawn underfoot (configurable).
  • Conditions:
    • Requires ground contact (toggleable in settings).
    • Drains stamina/hunger if enabled and mods are installed.
  • Cancellation: Stops automatically if:
    • You release the forward key.
    • Stamina/hunger drops below thresholds.


Configure in minetest.conf or via the in-game "Settings" menu:

Setting Name Type Default Description
sprinting_drain_hunger bool true Enable hunger drain during sprint.
sprinting_stamina_drain float 0.5 Stamina drained per second.
sprinting_stamina_threshold int 5 Minimum stamina required to sprint.
sprinting_hunger_ng_drain float 0.5 Hunger NG drained per second.
sprinting_hunger_ng_threshold int 4 Minimum Hunger NG required to sprint.
sprinting_hbhunger_drain float 1.0 HBHunger drained per second.
sprinting_hbhunger_threshold int 6 Minimum HBHunger required to sprint.
sprinting_speed_multiplier float 1.5 Sprint speed multiplier (e.g., 1.5 = 50% faster).
sprinting_jump_multiplier float 1.10 Sprint jump height multiplier.
sprinting_require_ground bool true Require standing on ground to sprint.
sprinting_spawn_particles bool true Enable sprinting particle effects.



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