I have got an idea, could you create advanced tool for copying trains that can copy and paste trains with livery settings of each wagon/locomotive? Optional, when it could copy too color settings of Advtrains vehicles using colors (or texture settings assigned the color) from Bike painter?
AdvTrains already has a train copy tool ("advtrains:copytool"). However, it appears that it should be updated so that it will also copy each wagon's current texture when copying a train. This problem affects all wagons whose appearance can be modified, whether by the livery designer tool or the bike painter. It would be best to fix that tool rather than create a new nearly duplicate tool that copies textures correctly. Theoretically, the same code change in AdvTrains should fix the problem for wagons that are customized with either the livery designer tool or the bike painter since both tools use the same approach for modifying wagon liveries.
Regardless, that was a good discovery of a valid issue. Thanks for mentioning it!
I have got an idea, could you create advanced tool for copying trains that can copy and paste trains with livery settings of each wagon/locomotive? Optional, when it could copy too color settings of Advtrains vehicles using colors (or texture settings assigned the color) from Bike painter?
Regards, MatyasP
Hi MatyasP,
AdvTrains already has a train copy tool ("advtrains:copytool"). However, it appears that it should be updated so that it will also copy each wagon's current texture when copying a train. This problem affects all wagons whose appearance can be modified, whether by the livery designer tool or the bike painter. It would be best to fix that tool rather than create a new nearly duplicate tool that copies textures correctly. Theoretically, the same code change in AdvTrains should fix the problem for wagons that are customized with either the livery designer tool or the bike painter since both tools use the same approach for modifying wagon liveries.
Regardless, that was a good discovery of a valid issue. Thanks for mentioning it!