i like the texture and the idea, but the thing with currency, is that it has to be worth something, the thing with making a coin item without a crafting recipe (for creative use) is that survival and creative users have no need for it. you have to make it craftable, maybe make it crafted of gold or something, and make it so it can be used as a stand in for 8 gold, like this:
Thank you,
but this coin is intentionally made without any crafting recipe and mechanics.
There are already nice currency-mods with all kind of functionalities.
This mod fills the (maybe small) gap , a currency-item that does not come with anything attached.
If you host a server and need a currency only you can give out (think of admin-smartshops, treasure-chests, monster-drops & the command-block), then this is your lightweigth-solution.
If you want coins that can be made from gold, i suggest: BitChange or Coins
i like the texture and the idea, but the thing with currency, is that it has to be worth something, the thing with making a coin item without a crafting recipe (for creative use) is that survival and creative users have no need for it. you have to make it craftable, maybe make it crafted of gold or something, and make it so it can be used as a stand in for 8 gold, like this:
minetest.register_craft({ output = "only_a_coin:coin", recipe = { {"default:gold_ingot", "default:gold_ingot", "default:gold_ingot"}, {"default:gold_ingot", "", "default:gold_ingot"}, {"default:gold_ingot", "default:gold_ingot", "default:gold_ingot"}, }, })
and vice versa
Thank you,
but this coin is intentionally made without any crafting recipe and mechanics.
There are already nice currency-mods with all kind of functionalities.
This mod fills the (maybe small) gap , a currency-item that does not come with anything attached.
If you host a server and need a currency only you can give out (think of admin-smartshops, treasure-chests, monster-drops & the command-block), then this is your lightweigth-solution.
If you want coins that can be made from gold, i suggest:
BitChange or