Enter the main egress landing number into the "Main Egress Landing" field and the alternate recall landing number into the "Alternate Recall Landing" field
Click "Save"
"Main Egress Landing" refers to the floor with the main exit from the building. This is the floor that will have a star on its car button and is also the floor that the elevator will return to during most forms of fire recall. Typically this is the lobby.
"Alternate Recall Landing" refers to the floor the elevator will return to if it receives a signal requesting alternate floor recall, for example if a mesecons input module is activated in response to smoke being detected on the main egress landing. In most cases this is the floor above the main egress landing, but some building designs warrant other choices - for example, the travelnet exchange near the spawn on VE-Creative has a second exit (a tunnel to another building) on level P2, so P2 was selected as the alternate recall landing.
Both of these expect a landing number, much like the call buttons and other fixtures. For example, if your floors are numbered "SB, B, L, 2, 3, 4, 5" and you want the car to recall to floor L during fire recall, the correct "Main Egress Landing" setting would be 3.
I don't know how to set the main landing.
This is detailed in the manual on page 35.
The short version:
"Main Egress Landing" refers to the floor with the main exit from the building. This is the floor that will have a star on its car button and is also the floor that the elevator will return to during most forms of fire recall. Typically this is the lobby.
"Alternate Recall Landing" refers to the floor the elevator will return to if it receives a signal requesting alternate floor recall, for example if a mesecons input module is activated in response to smoke being detected on the main egress landing. In most cases this is the floor above the main egress landing, but some building designs warrant other choices - for example, the travelnet exchange near the spawn on VE-Creative has a second exit (a tunnel to another building) on level P2, so P2 was selected as the alternate recall landing.
Both of these expect a landing number, much like the call buttons and other fixtures. For example, if your floors are numbered "SB, B, L, 2, 3, 4, 5" and you want the car to recall to floor L during fire recall, the correct "Main Egress Landing" setting would be 3.