Please do these if you want:
1. add anvil to optional depends and make your weapons repairable.
2. add more medieval weapons, such as crossbow, bow, battle hammer, claymore...
3. add one more use of dagger: throw.
Great to hear you like the mod.:) I dont have much experience with lua ,so will try to implement these changes as best as i can. Thank you for your feedback :)
I like medieval themes, and I'm happy to see this mod.
Here are my suggestions:
In the real life, hilts often made of hard wood / antlers / bones, leather / rope, and glue. Maybe it can be this:
Please do these if you want:
1. add anvil to optional depends and make your weapons repairable.
2. add more medieval weapons, such as crossbow, bow, battle hammer, claymore...
3. add one more use of dagger: throw.
Great to hear you like the mod.:) I dont have much experience with lua ,so will try to implement these changes as best as i can. Thank you for your feedback :)