Mod adds a superjump using the aux1 key, fun for traveling around quickly and reaching floating islands from skylands. Always available with no item needed, so might be unbalanced for survival games. Settings can be used to disable sounds and change the power of ejection, so you can jump hundreds of nodes away. The rate of ejection recharging can be very unsteady, though I think this is more the fault of Luanti engine than the mod.
Mod adds a superjump using the aux1 key, fun for traveling around quickly and reaching floating islands from skylands. Always available with no item needed, so might be unbalanced for survival games. Settings can be used to disable sounds and change the power of ejection, so you can jump hundreds of nodes away. The rate of ejection recharging can be very unsteady, though I think this is more the fault of Luanti engine than the mod.