When I first started working with minetest schematics, It took sometimes up to an hour to manage to export properly after all the loads and reloads. Which was quite slow, and tedious.
while browsing through trying to find another mod I needed, I ended up finding this.
This mod allows for really efficient schematic imports/exports without having to waste the time loading and reloading the world, sometimes saving an hour or more. What used to take an what seemed like forever, can now be done in a matter of minutes.
If you're a modder that works with schematics a lot, then this mod is essential. It's one of those mods you don’t realize you need until you use it and then you can’t go back. Highly recommended!
When I first started working with minetest schematics, It took sometimes up to an hour to manage to export properly after all the loads and reloads. Which was quite slow, and tedious. while browsing through trying to find another mod I needed, I ended up finding this.
This mod allows for really efficient schematic imports/exports without having to waste the time loading and reloading the world, sometimes saving an hour or more. What used to take an what seemed like forever, can now be done in a matter of minutes.
If you're a modder that works with schematics a lot, then this mod is essential. It's one of those mods you don’t realize you need until you use it and then you can’t go back. Highly recommended!