Rating System
1 - Bad
2 - Meh
3 - Good
4 - Great
5 - Love it!
Rating for LuckyDude
Gameplay - 2/10
Graphics - 4/5
Player-Friendly - 5/5
Performance - 5/5
Sounds & Music - 5/5
OVERALL: 21 (Great)
Not much was going on in this game, I think it might be kind of fun if you could add a few things: maybe add new maps, add a timer for 1 minute (or 30s), and each time you get one right, you get 3 points, when you get one wrong, you lose a point, then after the timer goes off, it shows you your score, and your highscore.
Thanks for participating!
This game was played and rated in the Minetest GAME JAM LIVE (ep3): https://rumble.com/vri6iu-minetest-game-jam-live-ep3.html Note: rating system was changed a bit from ep1
OVERALL: 21 (Great)
Not much was going on in this game, I think it might be kind of fun if you could add a few things: maybe add new maps, add a timer for 1 minute (or 30s), and each time you get one right, you get 3 points, when you get one wrong, you lose a point, then after the timer goes off, it shows you your score, and your highscore. Thanks for participating!